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防變種冠狀病毒 歐洲多國向英封關

隨著英國星期六(19日)正式確認,近期在倫敦及英國東南部多地發現的Sars-CoV-2病毒(本文簡稱武肺病毒)的一種變種(本文簡稱英國變種)會傳播得較快後,歐洲多國星期日(20日)相繼宣佈向英國封關,已作出相關宣佈的包 Read more: https://bit.ly/34yeUpn

Deliveroo CEO:疫情令網上訂餐普及率加速 2-3 年

疫情之下,餐廳堂食人流大減,而網上訂餐服務則大行其道。其中 Deliveroo 的 CEO 最近就表示,今次疫情令網上訂餐服務的普及率加速 2-3 年,他們也因此受惠。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3a6okMh


新冠肺炎疫情爆發第四波,香港中文大學莫慶堯醫學講座教授沈祖堯博士認為,新冠病毒不會像沙士般突然消失,病毒會與人共存,疫情令到巿民的生活和工作都出現新常態,一起聽聽沈博士的分析。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3lSUdLB

The Covid Rotation

Yesterday morning we got the news that Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine developed in partnership with BioNTech saw 90% efficacy in phase three clinical trials. Read more: https://bit.ly/3nbZcXY

The Covid Rotation

Yesterday morning we got the news that Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine developed in partnership with BioNTech saw 90% efficacy in phase three clinical trials. Read more: https://bit.ly/3nbZcXY

Controlling the pandemicShould covid be left to spread among the young and healthy?

Editor’s note: Some of our covid-19 coverage is free for readers of The Economist Today, our daily newsletter. For more stories and our pandemic tracker, see our hub AS NEW WAVES of covid-19 sweep the world, lockdowns are back in… Continue Reading →


新冠疫情至今已經持續了9個月,經濟亦已經嚴重下滑,很多企業都無法支持已陸續倒閉,Startup界亦面臨相同困境,不少Startup都已經無法營運,不能支撐下去而被迫離場!而能夠幸存的Startup,相信仍然有能力營運,那麼問題來 Read more: https://bit.ly/3lc76PT

Financial Times

Let our global subject matter experts broaden your perspective with timely insights and opinions you can’t find anywhere else. Read more: https://on.ft.com/2ZPptSD

浸大新冠警示系統助防疫 通報接觸者 資料加密保私隱

郭毅可(右)希望BU-Trace日後能推展至社區,讓市民安心外出用膳;旁為徐建良。(浸大圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/2QX5n45

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