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Tag content marketing

Launching With Facebook Ads: How to Sell More With Facebook

Are Facebook ads an important part of your launch strategy? Wondering how you can use Facebook to sell more during your next launch? To explore how to use Facebook ads to generate more sales during a launch, I interview Emily… Continue Reading →

Why marketing is eating the world

I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and grew up during the dot com boom in the late 1990s. Read more: https://bit.ly/3iqNhDU

This statue is viral marketing, and it’s working

What pieces of Obamacare stay: A lot, including almost all of the consumer protections and market reforms. Here’s some of what’s staying in place: Read more: http://bit.ly/2mDuwTg

內容經營應該有 KPI 嗎?|內容行銷力

五月底有篇新聞:陸子鈞:錯誤KPI,加速媒體死於寒冬以及近幾個月來「成長駭客」也是數位行銷與電子商務的熱門話題;還有個一直是部落客圈關注的話題:洗流量。這些相關討論都圍繞在這三個英文字母:KPI。 Read more: http://bit.ly/1VYpZGj

A 4-Step Formula For Finding Killer Content Ideas

Content marketing is one of the primary methods I use to grow my business. But constantly coming up with original content ideas can be a serious challenge. Any new content I produce needs to meet a number of criteria. It… Continue Reading →

淺談Content Marketing

睇見毛記電視同Snickers廣告有感。而家有個buzzword係人都講:Content Marketing。其實又有幾多人,能夠了解其真義? Marshall McLuhan在《理解媒介》中 ,形容媒介所載的內容為「盜賊帶著的一塊鮮肉」,用處是引開人們思想的看門狗。 換言之,當你以為自己睇緊既係內容,其實你接收緊某種立場。即係無形之中,植入咗一種想法。 科學少少既比喻,你行山時四圍𥄫,你以為自己睇緊一坐山一片山林,其實你係睇緊既係太陽射出的光粒子。 係呢一刻(至未來一段長時間),世上最有影響力媒介叫facebook。跟據harvard研究報告同較早新聞指出,facebook已有足夠的能力(包括你簽咗既用戶政策),籍更改newsfeed的內容推送方程式,直接影響受眾的情緒及行為,直接令人更開心,或者更唔開心,久而久之,情緒又會影響言論,而言論又將會反映於行為上⋯ 所以話,媒介本身就是最高層次的Content Marketing,較傳統的說法就是「The medium is the message.」 而重點係,我們是否相信現代人擁有真正獨立思考的能力?

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