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Tag co-working space

In brief: WeWork Chinese rival seeks $3b valuation in New York IPO

Ucommune, WeWork’s biggest rival in China, is reportedly seeking a US$3 billion valuation for a New York listing this year. The company may list in Nasdaq as early as Q3 2019. Read more: http://bit.ly/2GJ1cpc

The Growth of Co-Working in India

Co-Working spaces are fast outpacing monolithic workspaces in terms of commercial real estate absorption in India. While the share of IT/ITeS in the share of transacted space is following a declining trend, co-working spaces are proliferating in the country. Read… Continue Reading →

Most coworking spaces don’t make money; here’s how they can adapt to survive the future

The Coworking Unconference 2017 in Chiang Mai invited me to speak. Since it’s a coworking space conference and I’ve been to many coworking spaces traveling the last few years. I wanted to analyze their business and see what was up…. Continue Reading →


銅鑼灣利園三期昨天舉行開幕禮,四代利氏家族成員同出席。左起為利承武、利明德、利孝和夫人、利蘊蓮、利德蕙、利子厚及利榮傑夫人。 希慎興業(00014)旗下銅鑼灣利園三期昨正式開幕。希慎首席營運總監呂幹威表示, Read more: http://bit.ly/2r6PtXI

辦公室空間,彈性會員 & 會議室

以全球任一種您喜歡的方式 Read more: http://bit.ly/2FiWUzT

支持「青年共享空間計劃」 Mustard Seed為年輕人提供理想創業空間

去年施政報告提出「青年共享空間計劃」,首批由十個業主、合共提供九萬方呎空間的物業正式推出,有意創業青年可以低於市值租金一半價錢租用,政府料逾千名青年受惠。其中位於灣仔市中心、由英皇集團營運的Mustard Seed Read more: http://bit.ly/2r388Dq

青年共享空間計劃出台 9萬呎空間鼓勵創業 租金不多於市值一半

租金不多於市價一半或三分一 參與計劃的業主會收取營運機構不多於當前市值租金的三分之一,而營運機構則收取不多於市值租金的一半。營運機構須每半年向業主和政府匯報運作情況。民政事務局常任秘書長馮程淑儀則指, Read more: http://bit.ly/2Hv3BET

波仔打造Wave工廈唔憂賣 (麥狄文)

本文作者麥狄文(徐狄怡)為證監會持牌人,在《信報》撰寫專欄「金融街密語」 中資高價搶地已經唔係乜嘢新聞,海航高價搶奪啟德住宅地皮令市場嘩然,不過中資喺香港掃貨,亦唔係下下都可以買中心頭好。阿Man最近就 Read more: http://ift.tt/2olrLE9


世邦魏理仕的報告對今年工商廈市場作出預測,隨着非核心區寫字樓供應增加,預計遷離核心商業區的趨勢將會繼續,而騰出的核心區寫字樓將會吸引中小型金融公司進駐;而共享工作間會持續增加。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2G4JV6j

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