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Tag Climate Change

Crypto and Climate

It is true that proof of work mining which secures the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains uses electricity to do that work. And certainly there are carbon emissions associated with that electricity consumption. Read more: https://bit.ly/2PG1djs


每日寫文章的年代, 我堅信氣候暖化是人為的謊言。 Al Gore 講咗咁多年, 我依然唔太相信佢, 雖然最近的確係好凍, 但人類真係有本事令氣候起變遷? 會否太睇得起自己? 但換個角度嚟睇, 無論如何, 發展新能源百利而無一害, 尤其是太陽能, 如果真的像Elon Musk所講, 太陽能足夠供全中國發電, 何樂而不為? Al Gore 最近有場 TED Talk, 警告到了2070年, 以資產值計10個最高危被「淹沒」城市, 香港有份,排第9。    

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