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Tag Chrome

Chrome’s ad blocker will expand to video on August 5

Google today announced that Chrome’s ad blocker is expanding to video on August 5, 2020. As with previous ad blocker rollouts, the date is likely not tied to a specific Chrome version — Google will be expanding the scope of… Continue Reading →

Chrome will soon let you permanently mute websites

A lot of awful things can happen on the internet, but few are as terrible as landing on a website that automatically plays videos with sound. Thankfully, this is something Google is addressing in a future update to Chrome. Read… Continue Reading →

Android 新任主管 Sundar Pichai:我不認同以人為中心的策略(Facebook Home)

120206-CHROME-PORTRAITS-043edit-660x440 Sundar Pichai SVP, Chrome and Apps, Google Can’t it be confusing having two operating systems? It’s a world of multiple screens, smart displays, with tons of low-cost computing, with big sensors built into devices. At Google we ask how to bring together something seamless and beautiful and intuitive across all these screens. The picture may look different a year or two from from now, but in the short term, we have Android and we have Chrome, and we are not changing course. As Android’s new head, what do you see as the biggest challenge? I see huge opportunity, because it is just shocking how much of the world doesn’t have access to computing. In his book Eric [Schmidt] talks about the next 5 billion [the people on earth who aren’t connected to the internet who soon will be]. That’s genuinely true and it excites me. What does that mean when a company like Facebook comes out with Home, which changes that experience? To Mark [Zuckerberg], people are the center of everything. I take a slightly different approach. I think life is multifaceted: people are a huge part of it, but not the center and be-all of everything. Talk about Samsung.. Historically the industry has had long stable structures. Look at Microsoft and Intel. They were very codependent on one another, but it served both of them well. When I look at where computing needs to go, we need innovation in displays, in batteries. Samsung is a world leader in those technologies. Finally, you had a pretty full plate with Chrome and Apps, and now you’re handling the world’s biggest phone platform in addition. How are you managing? I have a secret project which adds four hours every day to the 24 hours we have. There’s a bit of time travel involved. source: http://www.wired.com/business/2013/05/exclusive-sundar-pichai-reveals-his-plans-for-android/

Sundar Pichai SVP, Chrome and Apps, Google Can’t it be confusing having two operating systems? It’s a world of multiple screens, smart displays, with tons of low-cost computing, with big sensors built into devices. At Google we ask how to… Continue Reading →





Chrome取代IE 最多人用

仲用緊IE? 老實講,仲用IE,作唯一瀏覽器,又唔係上年紀既陌生人,我真係會認真考慮,交唔交呢個朋友。 Google Chrome Leapfrogs Internet Explorer as the Web's Top Browser

仲用緊IE? 老實講,仲用IE,作唯一瀏覽器,又唔係上年紀既陌生人,我真係會認真考慮,交唔交呢個朋友。 Google Chrome Leapfrogs Internet Explorer as the Web’s Top Browser

新版Chrome 選項都search得

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOxGL29-t_4] Google在前幾天推出10.0.648.127的正式版。新版本除了標榜更快的速度之外,另一個較大的轉變是瀏覽器的選項改用網頁形式顯示,以及可以用關鍵字來搜尋想要設定的項目。 如果你有試過用電話來遙距指導他人調整瀏覽器設定的經驗 (例如:你的祖母剛學懂上網),就會知道會有多方便了。只要教他們用關鍵字一search,會即時跳到相關選項的位置,加上highlight effect,簡直勝過千言萬語!

Microsoft HK 明串Firefox速度慢(IE9 Launch Tour)

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcsUBM2onFE] Demo Transcript 大家左手邊見到嗰個就係Chrome 6嚟嘅,Chrome 7其實Google都唔係好贊成download,所以我哋今日用用Chrome 6俾大家睇。右手邊就係IE9,我哋今日出街,個錶你會見到20條魚,我們仲可以做到60個frame per second,即係話而家每一秒鐘可以有幾多個頁面,越多即係越快。隔離20條魚淨係十五十六咁,都已經唔係好游o架嘞,啲魚都呆滯咗o架嘞。咁所以呢,其實你可能話:「嘩,咁你IE9咪好犀利?可唔可以俾個叻嘅,你攞Chrome嚟比,咁樣實贏啦你。可唔可以攞Firefox呀,你咁勁。」好,咁我哋就滿足大家嘅需求啦,就俾個Firefox大家睇下嘅。 首先呢,為表公允呢,大家都知道Firefox有唔同嘅版本o架嘞,呢個就係Firefox專為咗迎接我哋IE9出世,所以前日特登掉出街嘅4.0 beta 6嚟嘅,特登前日出嘅,OK?唔緊要,咁呢,硬解已經啟動,你見Direct 2D enabled同埋Direct enabled,OK?我哋唔係話特登熄咗啲嘢去呃大家。好嘞,既然大家同一個有硬解嘅情況底下,咁我哋睇下啲魚魚到底有幾勁嘞。嗱呢啲code呢,其實都唔係一啲特別嘅coding,係HTML5 code嚟o架啫,咁所以係同一個code,我哋唔係話特別寫俾IE嘅。 20條魚,大家非常之開心,係咪呀?60個frame per second,綽綽有餘,兩個都叻叻哋嘅,OK?我哋不如一嚟就嚟1000條魚囉…… 好嘞,咁你見到個Firefox已經開始跌到去6呀、7呀、5呀,4個frame for second,啲魚都開始呆滯,雖然個金魚缸好窄。我哋睇睇右手邊嘅IE呢,22、23、25、26,綽綽有餘,依然啲魚都郁嘅,OK?完全冇花冇假,我哋喺硬解上面,好肯定係比Firefox寫得好。 其實如果你哋心水清都知,其實Firefox喺前兩個beta,佢哋硬解by default係disable o架。如果你哋玩過都知,係要落去搞兩三個retendering嘅setting先至開番o架。其實如果佢咁有信心,by default就唔駛disable啦。OK?所以其實你哋見到佢哋依然都仲有一段路去努力嘅,不過唔緊要!我哋非常之歡迎大家一齊努力嘅! 好,跟住呢,我哋不如再睇睇第二個demo喇喎。其實頭先我咪成日話嘅,嘩,如果有朝一日,網頁好似apps咁,咁就發達喇,咁又可以有apps嘅好處,又可以有網頁嘅好處。 如果大家見過呢個咁嘅Amazon嘅bookshelf呢,都有啲印象嘞,iPhone實裝過啦呢個apps,iPad嗰啲實有o架啦。其實呢,網頁絕對可以做到同你個apps一模一樣嘅畫面,一模一樣嘅嘢,點解大家唔用網頁嚟做,take佢嘅好處呢?就係因為咁嘞,譬如睇睇Chrome呢邊先啦,我想買呢本書喎……咁樣跌出嚟嘅,你係用戶都唔會用啦。你睇下,慢動作揭書嘅。 睇睇如果我哋用support硬解嘅IE9會點吖嗱。同一本書……OK?所以你會見到呢,完全同一個local apps係冇分別o架。所以其實我哋只要可以啟動到你個CPU,你個電腦一啲未開啟嘅功能,我哋絕對可以有網頁嘅好處,唔駛download,亦都可以做到apps嘅效果,OK?完全係真嘅,你見。 好嘞,跟住第三樣嘢想俾你哋睇嘅呢就係,一個我哋為咗要迎接將來,你知啦,而家網頁越嚟越多嗰啲我哋叫做多媒體啦、高清片啦,咁到底browser頂唔頂到高清片呢?我哋同IMDb其實合作咗一個小小嘅demo。你而家睇到呢個係Chrome嚟嘅,你見呢,都順嘅,不過都好似窒下窒下咁,你見我都未入去睇片嘞,OK?50零個frame per second咁啦,咁可以揀戲啦。 好嘞,如果我哋用IE9,到底可以有幾smooth呢其實……你見係完一路60個frame per second,係冇郁過,同埋好smooth可以揀戲嘅。甚至乎呢,譬如我哋播呢條《Despicable Me》啦,未上o架呢套戲好似,其實呢個trailer已經係一條全高清嘅trailer嚟o架嘞……好嘞呢啲留番俾錢入戲院睇嘞。 所以你見到呢,其實只要你能夠啟動到硬解功能,無論一啲高清片,其實仍然都綽綽有餘o架。同埋頭先你見到啦,頭先我點解用Firefox,唔用Chrome同埋IE呢?因為其實Firefox仲未支援H.264 encoding,所以其實都係一件幾失望嘅事嚟o架。因為我哋都好肯定將來嘅standard,如無意外都應該H.264 on… Continue Reading →

以速度超越一切 Chrome廣告

[youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=nCgQDjiotG0] 生有限,活無限,以速度突破生命, 類似既意念, 香港人一早睇過, 諷刺係, 香港地仲係網上爬多人用過bb100, 仲係Yahoo多人用過Google, 生命短暫, 小數怕長計, 大家及早回頭是岸啦! [youtube http://youtube.com/w/?v=aMK8-qnm-jM]

Google Chrome 來了

即使Google香港完全沒有什麼Viral Marketing的動作 朋友不斷寄來有關電郵、twitter、facebook Message、扑文 告訴思哲Google推出自家瀏覽器 這又一次證明 優秀的產品 本身已是最佳的marketing 根本無需多餘的花拳鏽腿 關於Chrome,明天再寫稿再談 現在先看Google為我們準備好的漫畫(中譯版): source: sina 繼續閱讀其餘漫畫內容 – http://blogoscoped.com/google-chrome

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