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補充創科生態缺口 (Innovate for Future邱達根)

IF召集人邱達根建議,港府可考慮運用未來基金,支持本地初創發展。(盧詠賢攝) Read more: https://bit.ly/3dniWlU

中科院夥城大 AI畫人臉幾筆速成

中國科學院計算技術研究所,以及香港城市大學的5位研究人員,近日聯手開發一種深層圖像轉換技術DeepFaceDrawing。利用人工智能(AI)演算法,只要隨手畫幾筆,毋須仔細勾勒五官外形,即可把簡單的素描線條轉換為逼真的人臉 Read more: https://bit.ly/3dgtvaB

JD.com to invest $100m in Chinese electronics retailer Gome

China’s ecommerce giant JD.com announced that it will buy US$100 million worth of convertible bonds in electronics chain Gome Retail. The investment comes after Gome raised US$200 million from JD.com rival Pinduoduo last month. Read more: https://bit.ly/3eyjXsh

JD.com to invest $100m in Chinese electronics retailer Gome

China’s ecommerce giant JD.com announced that it will buy US$100 million worth of convertible bonds in electronics chain Gome Retail. The investment comes after Gome raised US$200 million from JD.com rival Pinduoduo last month. Read more: https://bit.ly/3eyjXsh

36氪独家 | 字节跳动进军车联网,锤子团队将负责抖音上车

36氪从多位知情人士处获悉,字节跳动正悄然组建车联网团队,计划推出自己的车辆信息娱乐系统方案,实现旗下抖音、今日头条等移动互联网产品在汽车终端落地。 Read more: https://bit.ly/2ThaL3m

China unicorn creation falls to six-year low as investors play it safe

HONG KONG (Reuters) – China’s rate of creating unicorns has dropped to a six-year low as venture capital funds shy away from early-stage funding while the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak batters portfolio investments. Read more: https://reut.rs/2LCuXZg


原文刊於信報財經新聞 華為晶片供應鏈將隨美國商務部擬修改出口規定而受打擊。(路透資料圖片) 中美科技戰升級!美國政府擬於當地時間周五(15日)修改出口規定,阻攔全球半導體製造商向華為供應半導體,勢打擊華為 Read more: https://bit.ly/2ycSFZa

The New China Scare

In February 1947, U.S. President Harry Truman huddled with his most senior foreign policy advisers, George Marshall and Dean Acheson, and a handful of congressional leaders. The topic was the administration’s plan to aid the Greek government in its fight… Continue Reading →

Following Luckin Coffee, TAL Education discloses sales fraud

Beijing-based TAL Education Group, a K-12 after-school tutoring services provider, disclosed on Tuesday that during its internal auditing process, it has found inflated class sales, according to a company’s press release. Read more: https://bit.ly/2yVCQGp

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