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  安邦智庫向BBC中文解釋,在地緣矛盾日益激烈的情況下,中國和美國都希望在自己的優勢領域與對方「脫鉤」:美國更希望實現「貿易脫鉤」和「科技脫鉤」,以平衡對外貿易逆差,保持自身的競爭優勢,這是中國所不希望看到的;中國實際上更希望切斷中國企業與美國資本的聯繫,在資本領域實現「脫鉤」,擺脫國內市場主體對美國金融資本的依賴 (BBC)


能上市的中國網際網路公司都在幾個月裡湧向股市。賺大錢的在、盈利無望的也在;創業十幾年的在、成立不到三年的也在;被爭搶的在、無人問津的也在;沾上政策紅利的在、被加強監管的也在。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3dE5BZw


提到大英博物館時,浮上腦海的無非是埃及木乃伊、羅賽塔石碑、希臘帕特農神廟遺跡、復活節島摩艾像和貝寧銅雕(好吧,後面這個可能還好)等異國情調十足的收藏品,或許你會好奇這些藏品從何而來,或聽說這些藏品和大 Read more: https://bit.ly/3jy26HU

Blockchain Service Network: how little-known start-up Red Date is helping China lead the world in the cutting-edge technology

Chinese start-up Red Date has built a new blockchain platform designed to help companies and organisations create applications for the technology behind bitcoin. Read more: https://bit.ly/3A5NgOL

Everything You Need to Know About the Digital Yuan – Jump Start Magazine

China is doubling down on their digital currency. Here’s all you need to know about the digital yuan and how it will impact the world. China’s revolutionary national digital currency project, the digital yuan, is moving forward at full speed…. Continue Reading →

數千人抗議復旦進駐 小熊維尼成示威吉祥物

數以千計匈牙利人昨天(5日)在布達佩斯上街示威,抗議政府同意上海復旦大學在布達佩斯設分校,這是疫情爆發以來,匈牙利最大規模示威。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3x052jR


原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 《華爾街日報》報道,美國財政部轄下外國投資委員會(CFIUS)的新部門,將負責檢視內地資金投資美國科技公司,團隊成員來自風險投資公司、投資銀行及技術背景的專業人員,預 Read more: https://bit.ly/39UrSke

上海名媛指南 (高天佑)

「名媛群」只不過更加進取,折射中國現今的經濟階段,並反映了科網時代的「共享經濟」和「社交媒體」趨勢。(Freepik網上圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/2FEHEDH

Eric Schmidt: China could be AI’s superpower if we don’t act now

As a percentage of GDP, U.S. spending on scientific R&D has sunk to levels not seen since the pre-Sputnik era. 3 minute ReadEx-Google CEO Eric Schmidt is sounding the alarm about the implications of China pulling ahead of the U.S…. Continue Reading →

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