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Tag cashless society

Hong Kong slow to go cashless? Blame success of Octopus card, minister says

Hong Kong is lagging behind mainland China in becoming a cashless society because the city’s first such payment option, the contactless Octopus card, was so successful that the city stopped exploring more options, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward… Continue Reading →

Hong Kong slow to go cashless? Blame success of Octopus card, minister says

Hong Kong is lagging behind mainland China in becoming a cashless society because the city’s first such payment option, the contactless Octopus card, was so successful that the city stopped exploring more options, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward… Continue Reading →

金管局 : 港電子支付成熟 佔私人消費六成 銀行界 : 信用卡簽帳為主 : 20170825 : 經濟 : 經濟

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Visa表示支持EMVCo二維碼支付標準,該公司香港及澳門地區總經理戴嘉倩表示,該公司致力研究在港應用該標準,但在套用前本港監管機構應與業界共建一套本地共同準則,否則二維碼系統一旦各有差異,對消費者並不方便。Vis Read more: http://bit.ly/2jhwVCY

Singapore is making cashless payments a key to its Smart Nation, and this is a mistake

Read more: http://bit.ly/2xbiPX0

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