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WhatsApp Business如何開戶! 拾捌堂教你1分鐘設立WhatsApp Business帳戶

早前拾捌堂已講解了如何利用WhatsApp Business推動CRM(Customer Relationship Management, 客戶關係管理)。WhatsApp Busines除了是CRM必用工具外,亦是現時市場營銷專員(Marketer)必須使用的工具。由於WhatsApp在全球擁有近15億用戶,基本上是 Read more: http://bit.ly/2Z7Hrgr


Claire Diaz-Ortiz Social Innovation Manager Twitter People talk frequently about the art of the start, but I think it’s the art of the stop that really sets apart success from failure. Yes, you need to know when to get up… Continue Reading →


Sallie Krawcheck 85 Broads…Past Head of Merrill Lynch and Smith Barney….Investor….Board Member…Crazed UNC Basketball Fan….Mom My Two Very Simple Rules for Networking I only have two simple rules of networking: 1) I try to meet at least one new person… Continue Reading →

Breaking: LinkedIn Forget To Pay For Domain Renewal

When I trying to visit LinkedIn this morning as usual, this screen come out… It seems like LinkedIn DNS has been hijacked, here’s an update from berg LinkedIn just got DNS hijacked, and for the last hour or so, all… Continue Reading →


0b00d8a Jeff Haden Ghostwriter, Speaker, Inc. Magazine Columnist 1. Find one thing no one knows. Find a surprising fact or an unusual analogy that relates to your topic. Audiences love to cock their heads and think, “Really? I had no idea...” 2. Share a genuinely emotional story. Instead tell a story (directly related to your topic) and let your emotions show. If you were sad, show it. If you cried, say so. If you felt remorse, show remorse. When you share real feelings – which even the most inexperienced speaker can do – you create an immediate and lasting connection with your audience. 3. Pause for 8 to 10 seconds. There’s a weird phenomenon that occurs when you stop talking. Pause for two or three seconds and the audience assume you lost your place. Pause for five seconds and the audience begins to think the pause is intentional... and starts wondering why. Pause for ten seconds and even the people who were busy tweeting can’t resist glancing up. 4. Admit you don't know everything.  Instead ask a question you know the audience can’t answer and then say,” That’s okay. I can’t either.” Explain why you can’t... and then talk about what you do know. Most speakers have all the answers; the fact you don’t — and are willing to admit you don't — not only humanizes you, it makes the audience pay greater attention to what you do know. 5. Ditch the sales pitch. Most businesspeople assume they should capitalize on a speaking engagement to try to promote a product or service, win new clients, and build a wider network. Don’t. Thinking in terms of sales positioning only adds additional pressure to what is already a stressful situation. Weed out the subtle and not-so-subtle sales stuff and focus solely on ensuring the audience benefits from what you say. via http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20130612120408-20017018-5-ways-to-become-a-better-speaker-overnight?trk=tod-posts-art-

Jeff Haden Ghostwriter, Speaker, Inc. Magazine Columnist 1. Find one thing no one knows. Find a surprising fact or an unusual analogy that relates to your topic. Audiences love to cock their heads and think, “Really? I had no idea…”… Continue Reading →

Go-to-Market vs Go-to-Customer

Norbert-Kriebel Norbert Kriebel Principal Analyst, Sales Enablement PROFESSIONALS This (Go-to-market) is like trying to see something clearly after putting frosted glass in your own way. Both Markets and Products are ultimately defined by the people who use them. Knowing your customer means clearly understanding:
  • The people who measure the value of your offering(s) with their wallets
  • The people who are trying to understand how your offering(s) help them be successful
  • The people who require different forms of communication – content and conversations - to clearly understand the value your organization delivers to them
  • The interconnections between these people, business drivers, and budget sources that need to be aligned for your value to be realized

Norbert Kriebel Principal Analyst, Sales Enablement PROFESSIONALS This (Go-to-market) is like trying to see something clearly after putting frosted glass in your own way. Both Markets and Products are ultimately defined by the people who use them. Knowing your customer means… Continue Reading →


052794e Jennifer Dulski President & COO at Change.org Archetype 1: The Advisor Behind any good Advisor is an ability to distill life lessons into short, memorable soundbites. To find your Advisor, seek out people who excel at things you want to learn, and ask for guidance. Archetype 2: The Role Model The Role Model mentors by doing. To find a Role Model, look for someone who’s living the life you envision for yourself. Then ask them how they did it. Archetype 3: The Listener In a world of rapid-fire texts, Tweets, and chat messages, there’s something so unexpectedly fresh and welcome about a real Listener. Seek out someone who’s not afraid to try to “get inside your head” by asking probing questions, as a good Listener has a voracious appetite for understanding, and can make you better because of it. Archetype 4: The Motivator The motivator maintained an incredibly high level of energy that left people feeling excited to get back to work. To recognize a motivator, look out for someone who reminds you of your greater purpose. You’ll likely leave conversations with a Motivator feeling energetic and empowered. Archetype 5: The Achiever Ultimate Achiever setting a high bar for himself and for his team. The pressure to accomplish greatness can be overwhelming – but if you embrace it, that pressure can push you to a level beyond what you think it possible. It’s easy to identify an Achiever mentor: look for the people who set high standards for themselves and who push you beyond your comfort zone. And, instead of pushing back against their high expectations out of fear of failure, try to live up to them. You might be surprised at what you can accomplish.

Jennifer Dulski President & COO at Change.org Archetype 1: The Advisor Behind any good Advisor is an ability to distill life lessons into short, memorable soundbites. To find your Advisor, seek out people who excel at things you want to… Continue Reading →

Marissa Mayer:我們買了未來!

“Growth in the consumer tech industry always starts with traffic,” She added that buying Tumblr instantly boosts Yahoo’s user base by 50% to 1 billion, and Web traffic by 20%, “which is really heartening.” Yahoo will pick up around 90 software engineers from Tumblr. Web companies often pay $1 million per engineer during a transaction.
  1. The One-Person Product
  2. Tumblr. + Yahoo! = !!
  3. News!

“Growth in the consumer tech industry always starts with traffic,” She added that buying Tumblr instantly boosts Yahoo’s user base by 50% to 1 billion, and Web traffic by 20%, “which is really heartening.” Yahoo will pick up around 90… Continue Reading →


2e79019 Gijs van Wulfen Founder of the FORTH innovation method, Author & Speaker on Innovation

1. Start without a business need.  It’s as simple as that. So, if your company’s current business is booming, it’s unlikely that the people in your organization will readily break with their habits. Don’t try to convince others to innovate when there is no business need; you will be turned down.

2. To first appoint an innovator. You can invent on your own. But in an organization you can never innovate alone! You need R&D engineers, production managers, IT staff, financial controllers, marketers, service people and salesmen to develop or service the product, produce it and get it on the market. The moment you appoint an innovator, you run the risk that everyone else will lean back and wait for the appointed innovator to come up with his or her innovations.

3. Start with your idea. Innovation is about getting the right ideas and realizing these ideas in practice. The global symbol for innovation is a bright, shining light bulb. Once an idea comes to you, you’ll probably fall in love with it. That’s a great feeling. But, unfortunately, love is blind.

4. Bet on one idea. For every seven ideas for a new product, about 4 enter development, 1 to 2 are launched and only 1 succeeds[2].  Therefore, never bet on one ship. There’s a huge risk that it won’t return.

5. Start with a brainstorming session. I love this quote by the American businessman Dee Hock, he says: “The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it. Once you get the old ideas out of your mind, new ones come automatically!”

6. Start by neglecting customers.  Meeting potential customers to discover their frictions belongs to a set of highly effective techniques you want to apply when creating new product ideas. Don’t go looking for what your customer wants. This is because customers, themselves, aren’t always able to articulate their needs. Start by exploring customers’ relevant future problems. You’ll soon find that neglecting customers in your innovation will lead to a dead-end street for sure.

  1. Tech City – believe the hype?
  2. Samsung Electronics marketing blitz stirs debate over innovation

Gijs van Wulfen Founder of the FORTH innovation method, Author & Speaker on Innovation 1. Start without a business need.  It’s as simple as that. So, if your company’s current business is booming, it’s unlikely that the people in your… Continue Reading →

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