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Even at 1.0, Vivaldi closes in on the cure for the common browser

The Web browser is likely the most used piece of software on the average computing device. Yet despite its ubiquity, there is relatively little competition in the browser space. These days even experienced users would be hard pressed to tell… Continue Reading →

Chrome取代IE 最多人用

仲用緊IE? 老實講,仲用IE,作唯一瀏覽器,又唔係上年紀既陌生人,我真係會認真考慮,交唔交呢個朋友。 Google Chrome Leapfrogs Internet Explorer as the Web's Top Browser

仲用緊IE? 老實講,仲用IE,作唯一瀏覽器,又唔係上年紀既陌生人,我真係會認真考慮,交唔交呢個朋友。 Google Chrome Leapfrogs Internet Explorer as the Web’s Top Browser

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