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Tag brexit

Facebook’s role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy

In an unmissable talk, journalist Carole Cadwalladr digs into one of the most perplexing events in recent times: the UK’s super-close 2016 vote to leave the European Union. Tracking the result to a barrage of misleading Facebook ads targeted at… Continue Reading →

Big Bang II: After Brexit, what’s next for the City of London?

One chilly morning in the mid-1970s, David Mayhew was tramping the streets of the City of London. His mission? To head off a stock market crash. The Bank of England had asked Mayhew, a dealing partner at Cazenove, and a… Continue Reading →


英國首相文翠珊(Theresa May;截圖為她在保守黨大會發言的情況)在2日就脫歐問題作出2項重要宣佈:1、最遲明年3月底啟動「第50條」,正式開始脫歐談判,意味英國在2019年春季脫歐;2、推出《大廢除法》(Gr Read more: http://bit.ly/2dBIIVe

Big Bang II: After Brexit, what’s next for the City of London?

One chilly morning in the mid-1970s, David Mayhew was tramping the streets of the City of London. His mission? To head off a stock market crash. The Bank of England had asked Mayhew, a dealing partner at Cazenove, and a… Continue Reading →

Thriving After Brexit: The UK And EU Should Reboot On The Blockchain

While the UK and the world grapple with the implications of last week’s vote, a technological revolution is quietly unfolding that offers a glimmer of hope, not just to Britain, but also to Europe as a whole. We’re not talking… Continue Reading →

What Makes an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem? — Welcome to TheFamily — Medium

TheFamily is a strategic, minority, long-term shareholder. We grow a portfolio of investments in scalable companies, ideally from an early stage so as to create a privileged relationship with their founders. Read more: http://ift.tt/28XkCFd

Brexit Leave Vote Would Increase Travel And Export Costs For UK Startups

UK entrepreneurs and startups will face higher transport and travel costs if the UK votes to leave the EU during the Brexit referendum tomorrow (23 June). Read more: http://ift.tt/28T5TsW

Will Brexit Kill European Startups? — Welcome to TheFamily — Medium

On the eve of the Brexit referendum on June 23, the campaign on both sides is in full swing. Several key Cabinet members support the UK leaving the EU, opposing Prime Minister David Cameron even after he renegotiated the UK’s… Continue Reading →

Brexit vote is about the supremacy of Parliament and nothing else: Why I am voting to leave the EU

With sadness and tortured by doubts, I will cast my vote as an ordinary citizen for withdrawal from the European Union. Let there be no illusion about the trauma of Brexit. Read more: http://bit.ly/1ZMA34n

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