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Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Visa policy statement (plain text version)

The decision of the Chinese Government to impose its national security legislation on Hong Kong is a matter of deep regret to this Government. Read more: https://bit.ly/33sW82S


英國移民政策因為脫歐的關係有了大改動,英國政府官網已在2/19/2020公布新政策: Read more: https://bit.ly/3fz24KD


香港曾是英國殖民地,英國政府曾於90年代推出居英權計劃,當年有約50,000名港人獲得居英權;不少港人於回歸前亦申請英國國民(海外)護照,亦即是BNO。 Read more: https://bit.ly/3fAszPD

未來城市:「居英權第二代」分享心路歷程 Hello UK,真係咁簡單?

【明報專訊】facebook專頁「Goodbye HK, Hello UK」版主Ben與妻女移民英國4年,老婆曾在吵架時對他說「唔係你,我就唔使嚟呢度」,「現在她會說好彩嚟咗呢度」。 Read more: https://bit.ly/30U0ZJh

【移民英國】50萬港幣創業移民冇咁易 着重創新兼全球化 「計劃書忌吹水,真係做到先好寫!」

英國是不少香港人理想的移民地方,但投資移民閒閒地要過千萬,所以近年多了人考慮門檻較低的創業移民。今次《Video Talk》就請來移民顧問「Goodbye HK, Hello UK」香港代表Billy Wong,以及今年3月,成功以企業家簽證(T1E)移民到英國曼徹斯特,發展… Read more: https://bit.ly/3fwRBPC

【Little Englander】BNO 卿姐可否唔好再倒米?(孫柏文)

孫柏文尋日坐喺倫敦睇《泰晤士報》。一睇,好彩唔係飲緊水,如果唔係真係即噴水,因為睇到劉慧卿卿姐嘅讀者投稿(見圖)。 Read more: https://bit.ly/37DeT3O

Immigration: How will new laws affect care workers?

The government has been unveiling details of its plans for a new post-Brexit immigration system. It said low-skilled workers would not be given visas, and employers should “move away” from relying on “cheap labour” from Europe. We answer readers’ questions… Continue Reading →

【收市閒情】全球WFH實驗大成功 港人移民後 續打香港工(千頌C)

以前同朋友食飯見面,寒暄時最多都係問「最近點呀?」「忙唔忙呀?」。你又點會諗到,一個陳同佳一頂帽,令香港人生活有翻天覆地嘅改變,連寒暄吹水開場白,都變成「你會唔會移民呀?」「走去邊?」 Read more: https://bit.ly/2AL6JKw

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