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基於 Solana 打造的 「Move-to-Earn」APP ── STEPN,是去年十月 Solana IGNITION 黑客松的贏家之一,在上線以來逐漸吸引大量關注,許多人紛紛在社群媒體上分享其「邊走/跑邊賺」的成果。不過,走路就可以賺錢這種聽起來有點浮誇的 Learn more: https://bit.ly/3gNKG7r


倫敦市長Sadiq Khan 宣佈倫敦的公共交通工具,將會來一次近十年的最大型加價。這些包括:Underground地下鐵、bus巴士、DLR輕鐵 和 tram電車。 加價將會在兩星期後,3月份起開始,平均升幅為4. Read more: https://bit.ly/3rNSY5I

Beijing’s beloved Olympics panda mascot has its own NFTs, but they are unavailable in China

Official NFTs of Bing Dwen Dwen will be launched on Saturday, but not for fans in China. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3Lzc3jF

BNV Raises US$4M in Series A Funding Round

Brand New Vision Ltd, the company behind BNV.ME, the leading platform taking fashion into Web3.0 through 3D Product Creation, NFT sales, and Future Wearability, has successfully completed a US$4 million Series A funding round led by Animoca Brands. Learn more:… Continue Reading →

犀利訪談|當玫瑰踏上路途 鍾偉民和他的《四十四次日落:再見小王子》

提到華人作家鍾偉民,很多人認為他是香港人,代表作是人人都說看着它長大的《雪狼湖》,他敢言,獨樹一格,連愛好和生意:買賣石頭,都比常人來得跳脫。 Learn more: https://bit.ly/361kDHK

【英國生活】抵英一年慳錢回顧|賺盡超過£560!轉電煤上網公司 1個關鍵拎雙倍回贈 #BNOVISA #BNO #英國電費 #英國生活

唔覺唔覺已經移英一年 又係時候要格價水電煤上網 尤其最近電費愈來愈貴! 所以真係慳得一蚊得一蚊~ 今次介紹嘅TopCashback 真係幫到手!未開始用嘅一定要登記! 【TopCashback 全英國最大的現金回贈平台】 免費使用!其實喺 Learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqdTQq6sl6Q


Netflix今年2月情人節將接力呈獻兩大18禁同名漫畫改編之韓影、日劇,以讓人臉紅心跳的SM題材《解禁男女》,以及充滿禁忌的人妻外遇題材《金魚妻》,一窺現代都會熟男慾女們最深刻的渴望!「玉女」徐玄這次在《解禁男女》 Learn more: https://bit.ly/34CGOnp

Sequoia China-Backed Hospital Chain Raises $400 Million

(DealStreetAsia) — Chinese hospital chain Hong Kong Asia Medical Group has secured $400 million in a Series D round of financing to help patients with cardiovascular diseases across Asian markets including greater China and Japan. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3BeQ7FO

Scotland’s papers: ‘Flee Ukraine now’ and plans for 2023

Related Internet Links Learn more: https://bbc.in/3sxjZJP

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