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Will Web3 Ever Go Mainstream?

Blockchain entrepreneur Dan Hughes says it could take a decade thanks to a number of technical challenges. The concept of Web3 has captivated investors and the tech industry for more than a year now. Learn more: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-03-26/web3-will-take-several-years-to-go-mainstream

Bankers Who Stay in Hong Kong Are Rewarded With a Pay Bonanza

Hong Kong’s stringent Covid restrictions turned the city into a dead end for the legions of finance workers decamping for other destinations. Those who choose to stay are being presented with the sort of opportunities that don’t come along very… Continue Reading →

Decentralization, DAOs and the current Web3 concerns

Decentralized autonomous organizations are a central function of interaction across the Web3 space, where creators are earning more than ever before. Learn more: https://cointelegraph.com/news/decentralization-daos-and-the-current-web3-concerns

民主的試煉:Juno 議案 16 的當頭棒喝

「Not your key, not your coin」是區塊鏈圈的常識,除了道出託管在別人手中的資產並不真正屬於自己,背後還有一重意義:自持私鑰管理的資產才算是真正擁有。 Learn more: https://ckxpress.com/on-juno-proposal-16/

Universal Music Group’s Web3 Label Buys Bored Ape for $360K in Ethereum – Bitcoin News

On Friday, Universal Music Group’s Web3 label dubbed 10:22PM revealed it purchased the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) non-fungible token (NFT) #5537 for more than $360,000. 10:22PM says that BAYC #5537 will become the female manager for the first-ever metaverse… Continue Reading →

Apple buys UK open banking startup, fuelling rumors of UK Apple Card launch

Apple has acquired Credit Kudos, a UK open banking startup in a deal reportedly worth $150 million, as first noted by The Block. Learn more: https://www.theapplepost.com/2022/03/23/apple-buys-uk-open-banking-startup-fuelling-rumors-of-uk-apple-card-launch/

林以諾建元宇宙教會 VR虛擬科技傳福音

熱捲全球的元宇宙(Metaverse),在多個領域均具發展潛力。有見疫情下,教會無法做到社交聚會,一班本地基督徒早前成立首間廣東話元宇宙教會MeChurch,期望透過增強現實(AR)、虛擬實境(VR)等最新科技,在虛擬空間繼續傳 Learn more: http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=116482

港警告英組織犯國安法 卓慧思:圖全球噤聲

關注香港人權問題的英國組織Hong Kong Watch透露,香港警方去信該組織,警告對方已犯了香港國安法中禁止勾結外國的條款。英國外相卓慧思(Liz Truss,文首照片)發聲明抨擊。 Learn more: http://europechinese.blogspot.com/2022/03/blog-post_20.html

居家抗疫手環程式 可追蹤百萬人

原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 政府社區隔離設施有限,等待入院或隔離設施期間,曾有部分確診者須居家隔離,佩戴電子手環、安裝「居安抗疫」手機程式(App)等追尋行蹤。負責開發方案的本港初創隨賞科技 Learn more: http://startupbeat.hkej.com/?p=116134

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