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英國簽署協議 部份難民轉送盧旺達

英國與盧旺達(Rwanda)週四達成協議,把部份抵達英國的政治庇護申請者轉介至盧旺達,在盧旺達等候政庇審批結果,而且獲批後只會獲盧旺達的居留權,而非英國。 英國會向盧旺達付款,先導計劃會支付1. Learn more: http://europechinese.blogspot.com/2022/04/blog-post_87.html

Hong Kong’s ‘Mr. Metaverse’ on why he’s placing a big Web3 bet against Mark Zuckerberg

In the evolving metaverse economy, Yat Siu, the founder of a once little-known mobile gaming startup, is becoming known by a nickname: Mr. Metaverse. Learn more: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/14/mr-metaverse-on-why-hes-placing-a-web3-bet-against-mark-zuckerberg.html

【Unwire】 疫下新常態:醫療初創推「視像睇醫生」、「藥物圖標」照顧病者

疫下各行業均受影響,部分甚出現結業潮,醫療界也不例外,雖然需求上升,但如何在保障病人及醫護人員下提供服務,並且體貼病患及照顧者的需要,也存在很多挑戰。 Read more: https://unwire.pro/2022/04/14/medtech-in-hk-after-covid/feature/ 我的Unwire專題/專欄文章: bit.ly/unwire-wanszezit


疫下各行業均受影響,部分甚出現結業潮,醫療界也不例外,雖然需求上升,但如何在保障病人及醫護人員下提供服務,並且體貼病患及照顧者的需要,也存在很多挑戰。 Learn more: https://unwire.pro/2022/04/14/medtech-in-hk-after-covid/feature/

沖調技藝三部曲 港式奶茶大學問

港式奶茶在不少港人生活中不可或缺(好似係),但早上一杯苦澀的奶茶卻足以毀了一天。的確,要沖出一杯優質的港式奶茶,背後要求一定技藝。 Learn more: https://www.afoodieworld.com/foodie-ch/7500

鄭明仁:《梅艷芳》 港人集體回憶

入場欣賞電影《梅艷芳》,是香港人難得的一次集體回憶。儘管大家回憶的重點未必一樣,但至少有一個共同點,就是這齣電影再次讓我們深深感受到「哥哥」與「阿梅」之間的深摯友誼。 Learn more: https://www.thinkhk.com/article/2021-11/29/52782.html

Web3 promises to put the internet into the hands of the people. Don’t believe the hype

Scott Galloway is a marketing professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, and a writer and podcast host. His new streaming show No Mercy, No Malice is now airing on CNN+. The opinions expressed in this commentary are… Continue Reading →

Polygon Announces Zero-Knowledge Identity Platform for Web3 – Bitcoin News

On March 29, Polygon, the layer two (L2) scaling solution that runs parallel with the Ethereum blockchain, has announced a new identity platform called Polygon ID. Learn more: https://news.bitcoin.com/polygon-announces-zero-knowledge-identity-platform-for-web3/

【Unwire】 健身運動進入元宇宙 過來人分享虛擬健身背後玩法

疫情期間,宅在家的時間多了,不單工作要 WFH,尤其是健身室及體育場地因疫情紛紛關上大門,做運動也難免要留在家中。 Read more: https://unwire.pro/2022/03/31/fitness-metaverse-opportunity/feature/ 我的Unwire專題/專欄文章: bit.ly/unwire-wanszezit

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