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英國年青人用社交媒體看新聞 TikTok 比 BBC 更普及

社交媒體影響了整個媒體生態,人們接收新聞等消息的來源也因此改變。最近英國政府發佈新的報告,發現當地年青人主要的新聞消息來源已經從傳統媒體變成社交平台。 Learn more: https://unwire.hk/2022/07/24/instagram-tiktok-and-youtube-teenagers-top-three-news-sources/fun-tech/

慶登基白金禧 Milton Keynes等英8鎮升格城市

英國政府週五宣佈,為了慶祝英女皇登基白金禧,英女皇同意向8個鎮授予「城市」地位【文首地圖來自BBC】,包括近年不少香港人愛移民定居的Milton Keynes。 Learn more: http://europechinese.blogspot.com/2022/05/milton-keynes8.html

How to Put Life on Easy Mode

The other day I was having such a chill, easy day despite doing all of my usual work and chores and workout activities — the phrase, “Life on Easy Mode” came to me. A lot of answers came to me,… Continue Reading →


英國週四(5月5日)舉行地方選舉,簡介一下:這天英國選民投票選什麼?英格蘭的地方議會有什麼功能? Learn more: http://europechinese.blogspot.com/2022/05/2022.html

【大人話】曾江談生死:見唔到面走,留在心更耐|大銀Big Silver

#大銀 #照顧者花園 #CarersGarden #曾江 #大人話 【曾江2】心中的好走 文:陳曉蕾 曾江在訪問裡坦言:「依家最緊要係死得舒服。」 他最不想就是久病在床,需要家人照顧,過程大家都辛苦:「病十年八年,仲要老婆推輪椅先出 Learn more: https://youtube.com/watch?v=rYYzABuo1i0&feature=share

臨終前一星期在院舍裏開「告別派對」對相依七十三載妻子說聲 “I love you” 無牽掛走完一生是難得的福氣

見證一個人由衰老至行將就木,是一個過程,就像看着一棵大樹由茁壯至枯萎。聶伯伯的家人,觀其身體每況愈下,日子漫長。 Learn more: https://www.mpweekly.com/culture/%e5%96%84%e7%b5%82-%e8%b3%bd%e9%a6%ac%e6%9c%83%e5%ae%89%e5%af%a7%e9%a0%8c-%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e8%b3%bd%e9%a6%ac%e6%9c%83%e6%85%88%e5%96%84%e4%bf%a1%e8%a8%97%e5%9f%ba%e9%87%91-202234

Viu CEO Janice Lee Drops The One-Size-Fits-All Approach To Overtake The Global Giants

This story appears in the Apr/May 2022 issue of Forbes Asia. Subscribe to Forbes Asia Learn more: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jessicatan/2022/04/19/viu-ceo-janice-lee-drops-the-one-size-fits-all-approach-to-overtake-the-global-giants/

2 Questions to Deepen Learning from Life

We usually dislike challenging situations, conflict with others, struggle with our work or habits. Struggle sucks! But what if it were a part of the training of life? Learn more: https://zenhabits.net/2questions/

HK-based ShawKwei & Partners acquires Australian beauty firm Rauxel

Hong Kong-based private equity firm ShawKwei & Partners (ShawKwei) announced that it has acquired Australian beauty and healthcare company Rauxel for an undisclosed amount. Learn more: https://www.dealstreetasia.com/stories/shawkwei-partners-acquires-rauxel-288372/

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