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Tag blockchain

Amid ‘idiotic blockchain phase,’ EY and Microsoft tout smart contracts

In an effort to demonstrate there are actual uses for blockchain technology, global professional services biz EY and Microsoft have teamed up to offer companies a way to manage rights and royalties. Read more: http://bit.ly/2yG8NSu

中國制定區塊鏈國家標準,最快 2019 年完成

中媒經濟參考報報導,中國政府著手建立區塊鏈國家標準,以從頂層設計推動區塊鏈標準體系建設,預計最快將於 2019 年底完成。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2L3fQGW

Read more: http://bit.ly/2FyjxBW

Soon you will be able to use Ethereum to pay drinks at Singapore-based night club Skyline

Read more: http://bit.ly/2AgAbpC

Amazon hasn’t cracked China’s cloud market. This blockchain startup thinks it can.

For foreign cloud providers, entering China’s market is often more trouble than it’s worth. Not only are overseas firms required to form joint ventures with local companies, but they’re also prohibited from owning or operating certain types of cloud tech… Continue Reading →

How Floyd Mayweather Helped Two Young Guys From Miami Get Rich

SAN FRANCISCO — Floyd Mayweather, perhaps the greatest boxer of his generation, is not shy about using social media to display the wealth that his years of prize fighting have won him. On Facebook, you can find videos of Mr…. Continue Reading →

比特幣先死後生 (阿米)

不知是否阿米偏見,近年但凡有投機炒作,好像總是由中國人「發揚光大」。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2xnvOai

Historic Quarter: CoinDesk Launches Q2 State of Blockchain Report

CoinDesk Research’s Q2 2017 State of Blockchain report summarizes key trends, data and events in the public and enterprise blockchain sectors in the second quarter of 2017. Click here to view the slides in your browser. Read more: http://bit.ly/2wU19Re

區塊鏈兩年內應用 掀金融革命

原文刊於信報財經新聞 獲金管局委託製作區塊鏈白皮書的香港應用科技研究院(應科院),其信息安全與數據科學研發部總監王世松表示,現時應科院正在研究區塊鏈技術層面的改進,包括提升交易速度及處理能力;院方 Read more: http://bit.ly/29OeP7J

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