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Tag blockchain

Top Blockchain University: Chinese University of Hong Kong

Even in a city packed with world-class blockchain education and research opportunities, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) stands up comfortably to its competition. Read more: https://bit.ly/3G0Oq09

Blockchain Service Network: how little-known start-up Red Date is helping China lead the world in the cutting-edge technology

Chinese start-up Red Date has built a new blockchain platform designed to help companies and organisations create applications for the technology behind bitcoin. Read more: https://bit.ly/3A5NgOL

[Press Release]

Cyberport partners with blockchain industry leader R3 and FORMS HK to launch “Block AdVenture” programme Hong Kong, 22 October 2020 – As part of its commitment to empowering start-ups through the use of cutting-edge technologies and creating innovative digital solutions… Continue Reading →

Alameda Research Co-Leads $1.8M Seed Round for DeFi Protocol Linear Finance

(Shutterstock) A group of strategic investors including quantitative trading firm Alameda Research have led an investment in the decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol Linear Finance. The protocol announced the completion of its $1. Read more: https://bit.ly/2FxUDqp

私募平台智能配對資本 CapBridge成IPO以外引資選擇

由種子基金、天使投資、風險創投,然後到公開招股上市(IPO),往往是初創公司的發展及集資過程。可是,隨着股市動盪、風險考慮等各種因素,成長型公司推遲上市,繼續在私募市場尋求資金,成為近年大趨勢。 Read more: https://bit.ly/30YTdxm

2020 上半年台灣 Blockchain 生態系地圖,靜待下一個風口

Ching Tseng, Associate (曾意晴 / 投資經理) 負責區塊鏈投資,尤其專注東南亞市場。學生時期曾於 AppWorks 實習一年半,2015 年政大企管系畢業後正式加入擔任分析師,主要參與投資案相關業務,最得意的案例是協助 CHOCO TV 從 A 輪一路 Read more: https://bit.ly/3iqzPQB

科大設區塊鏈證書核實平台 方便僱主查驗 利求職升學

原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 科大為畢業生推出全港首個「區塊鏈證書」認證平台。(信報資料圖片) 近日畢業生均忙於求職,惟坊間有電商平台竟出售各種偽冒證書,企圖魚目混珠。為打擊偽造學歷等非法行 Read more: https://bit.ly/3dHg1Vw

Blockchain startups dominated Hong Kong’s fintech sector in 2019.

According to the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau report, the blockchain companies accounted for 39% of the 57 fintech companies that set up shop in Hong Kong last year. Read more: https://bit.ly/378uYy1

數碼人民幣推省市試點  陳德霖倡建四地跨境幣

陳德霖建議香港與中國、日本、南韓,合作推出「區域數碼貨幣」。(黃潤根攝) 自國家主席習近平去年10月提倡「攻克區塊鏈關鍵核心技術」,中國在區塊鏈以至數碼貨幣領域全速推進,據報由人行發行的「數碼人民幣」, Read more: https://bit.ly/2Uh1clJ

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