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俄政府視 BitCoin 交易不合法 擬修例判違例者監禁四至七年

隨著 BitCoin 等虛擬貨幣的興起,不少政府都在摸索怎樣利用這種技術促進金融科技發展,然而戰鬥民族俄羅斯似乎比較抗拒。因為俄羅斯的財政部正草擬法例監管 BitCoin 的使用:如果國民涉及 BitCoin 交易可被囚四年,如果他們 Read more: http://bit.ly/1YTX9pC

Western Digital makes a $46, 314GB hard drive just for the Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi 3 was released earlier this month with some significantly improved hardware, including a quad-core 64-bit ARM CPU, an upgraded GPU, and embedded wireless—updates that will let people use it for a wider variety of tasks than before…. Continue Reading →

Bitcoin and Diversity

The Bitcoin community is in a bit of a civil war; I hope readers whose eyes glaze over at the crypto-currency’s mention will bear with me as I explain what is going on, and why some of the fundamental ideas… Continue Reading →

The real value of bitcoin and crypto currency technology – The Blockchain explained

Bitcoin區塊鏈技術 金融交易革命

提起比特幣(Bitcoin),很多人只會想到要拿來炒賣,把它作為一個投機投資工具;又或者,認為比特幣是一種新的貨幣,長遠甚至可以取代美元和其他法定貨幣(fiat currency)。不過,筆者認為比特幣最重要的,卻是其背後的「 Read more: http://bit.ly/1nqZV7W


比特幣(Bitcoin)為加密電子貨幣(Cryptocurrency)的一種,最早在2008年由化名中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)的開發者以白皮書形式在電郵中首次介紹,並於2009年以開源(Open-source)軟件形式正式推出。 Read more: http://bit.ly/1LLxqgI

Is Bitcoin Dead? – The Bitcoin Experiment Article by Mike Hearn – Blocksize Debate

Bitcoin’s Capacity Issues No ‘Nightmare’, But Higher Fees May Be New Reality

While bitcoin may not be facing a “nightmare” scenario as indicated by the media, digital currency users are now paying higher-than-average fees and waiting longer for transactions to confirm due to an unknown disruptive network user. Read more: http://bit.ly/1W1RYlD

What Happened At The Satoshi Roundtable — Medium

Last weekend I attended the Satoshi Roundtable conference along with Charlie Lee and about 70 other members of the bitcoin community. A number of meetings took place between core developers, miners, and CEOs of Bitcoin companies. Read more: http://bit.ly/1TYCxwy

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