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中國關交易所 比特幣應聲挫

據財新網報道,內地監管當局決定關閉中國境內虛擬貨幣的交易所,涉及「幣行」、「火幣網」和「比特幣中國」等交易平台。受上述消息拖累,比特幣隨即急挫。據火幣網數據,比特幣周五晚一度低見23131元人民幣,急跌20. Read more: http://bit.ly/2eYwxo5

比特幣先死後生 (阿米)

不知是否阿米偏見,近年但凡有投機炒作,好像總是由中國人「發揚光大」。 Read more: http://bit.ly/2xnvOai

The Decentralized Startups – AVC

If someone were to ask what the most successful startups of this decade are, the answer would likely be Snap (market cap $22bn). Uber and Airbnb might also be on the list although those companies were launched in the prior decade… Continue Reading →

Bitcoin’s ‘New Normal’ Is Slow and Frustrating

On Monday, bitcoin users were up in arms about their transactions taking a long time to be processed by the network, potentially foreshadowing dark, deeply annoying times for the cryptocurrency. In the past, network slowdowns were the work of hackers… Continue Reading →

What industries will the Blockchain disrupt?

This is the latest infographic for financial and non-financial use cases of blockchain by LTP. You can find specific details here: Blockchain Use Cases Part II: Non-Financial and Financial Use Cases – Let’s Talk Payments Read more: http://bit.ly/1NQSEei

Craig Steven Wright claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Is he?

IMAGINE that the paternity of a particularly brilliant child is in doubt, and someone steps forward to claim he is the father. In the real world a DNA test would sort the matter out quickly. In the confusing world of… Continue Reading →

Social payments startup Circle rolls into Europe

It may have started as a Bitcoin wallet but veteran entrepreneur Jeremy Allaire’s fintech startup Circle has since shifted focus to social payments, launching an app in Q4 last year that lets users send U.S. Read more: http://tcrn.ch/1TD1ugL


暴走时评:Overstock是美国十大网上零售商之一。去年Overstock的去中心化股票市场Medici正式试运营,并获得美国证券交易委员会SEC的批准,即将在区块链中发行数字股票。公司利用区块链技术的安全透明可靠性,可以大大减少交 Read more: http://bit.ly/1VeU17f

Bitcoin and Diversity

The Bitcoin community is in a bit of a civil war; I hope readers whose eyes glaze over at the crypto-currency’s mention will bear with me as I explain what is going on, and why some of the fundamental ideas… Continue Reading →

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