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Tag bill gates

Progress on the Global Goals is still possible, but not inevitable.

Last year, we feared the worst when it came to the Global Goals. But even amid the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen that hope can grow from seeds planted years earlier. Here’s what we’ve learned. A year ago,… Continue Reading →

斥美國錯過控制疫情最佳時機 比爾蓋茲:建議實施封鎖6至10週

武漢肺炎疫情重創全球經濟,美國許多地區如加州、紐約、華聖頓等,已下令暫時關閉非必要的業務,導致失業人口激增、股市大跌。微軟創辦人比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)昨(24)日再對武漢肺炎疫情提出看法,痛批政客認為GDP成長才是最重要的。他認為美國因為防疫方面不夠迅速,已錯過「避免強制封鎖」的最佳時機, Read more: https://bit.ly/39v3sdV

Bill Gates is still mixing it up at Microsoft in his spare time: ‘I love what’s going on there — it’s fun’

It has been nearly a decade since Bill Gates left his day-to-day role at Microsoft, but he still has a connection to the company, not only as a board member and major shareholder, but also as a part-time technology adviser…. Continue Reading →

The One Thing Successful People Never Do

Bernard Marr Best-selling business author and enterprise performance expert Successful people often paint a picture of the perfect ascent to success. In fact, some of the most successful entrepreneur in the world have failed. Many have failed numerous times but… Continue Reading →


近期,全世界都講緊Yahoo的Scott Thompson學歷醜聞。 知唔知 Steve Jobs 哪家大學畢業? Mark Zuckerberg 哪個學系畢業?仲有 Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Lawrence Ellison 呢? Yahoo's Thompson Asks Employees To Ignore His Resume Scandal – Business Insider.

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