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Tag Apple

HomePod global availability expanding to China in early 2019

Apple has announced that its HomePod smart speaker will be coming to China early next year. After launching in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia this past February, the company has slowly brought the device to additional countries around… Continue Reading →

Apple’s Social Network

While the saying goes that “No news is good news,” in the case of Apple it turns out that “News about no news is bad news.” From Bloomberg: Apple Inc. shares had their worst day since 2014 amid concerns that… Continue Reading →

The iPhone Franchise

Apple released a new flagship iPhone yesterday, the iPhone XS. This isn’t exactly ground-breaking news: it is exactly what the company has done for eleven years now (matching the 11-year run of non-iOS iPods, by the way1). Read more: http://bit.ly/2xcg60X

亞馬遜封王贏面高 落注PayPal待爆發

人性使然,看重虧損,於是1000億美元的震撼力,比一萬億美元反而更大。1000億美元是指Facebook上周公布業績後,創出歷史上一隻股票單日蒸發最高市值的紀錄。至於一萬億美元,則是指蘋果公司及亞馬遜兩隻股票正在進行中的 Read more: http://bit.ly/2OfkF0n


如果亞馬遜創辦人貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)用20年時間變成首富夠晒厲害,蘋果同樣用20年時間由破產邊緣,變成第一間市值突破一萬億美元的美國公司,就更加了不起。蘋果50多年嘅歷史,就係我這輩人嘅成長史,由高登砌機整一部 Read more: http://bit.ly/2M40S6V

蘋果強勢部署Face ID 顛覆AR應用生態鏈

為迎接iPhone面世十周年,美國蘋果公司推出新旗艦手機iPhone X。在香港時間周三凌晨舉行的發布會上,行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)揚言,iPhone X是歷來進步最大的型號,將奠定未來10年的科技走向。眾多新功能及設計當中,5. Read more: http://bit.ly/2eYBTjh

Apple announces it has paid App Store developers more than $70 billion, downloads up 70% YOY

Ahead of its developer conference next week, Apple has announced that all-time earnings from App Store developers have topped $70 billion. The App Store launched with iPhone OS 2 in 2008 and has exploded ever since. Read more: http://bit.ly/2rw9VTs

Apple’s China Problem

Did you hear about the new Microsoft Surface Laptop? The usual suspects are claiming it’s a MacBook competitor, which is true insomuch as it is a laptop. Read more: http://bit.ly/2pTAKjv

Exclusive: Apple just promised to give US manufacturing a $1 billion boost

Apple CEO Tim Cook said that his company will start a $1 billion fund to promote advanced manufacturing jobs in the United States. “We’re announcing it today. So you’re the first person I’m telling,” Cook told “Mad Money” host Jim… Continue Reading →

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