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Google launches Gmail message scheduling and expands Smart Compose to more devices and languages

Despite Google’s long-standing love affair with April Fools’ fakery, fifteen years ago today the internet giant was deadly serious when it launched what would become one of its biggest products: Gmail. Read more: http://bit.ly/2uFrOQb

Consumer spending in apps to reach $156B across iOS and Google Play by 2023

Consumer spending in mobile apps across both Apple’s App Store and Google Play will grow by 120 percent to reach $156 billion worldwide by 2023, according to a new report out today from app store intelligence firm, Sensor Tower. Read… Continue Reading →

Mount Android as a Disk Drive in Mac OS X for Easy File Storage & Access

Something that many Android phones and tablets are able to do is connect to a computer as if they were an external disk drive. Read more: http://bit.ly/1VuXErB


[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/68765934 w=500&h=281] Introducing Video on Instagram from Instagram on Vimeo. 其他重要內容 It’s no accident Facebook made Instagram’s new videos exactly as long as a television commercial Instagram Video Vs. Vine: What’s The Difference? Instagram Launches 15-Second Video Sharing Feature,… Continue Reading →


印象中,Facebook 推出新產品的 Track Record 不太理想。無論係 Graph Search,還是係 Facebook home,以 Facebook 的雄厚實力而言,至今 User Acquisition 的成績實在不及格。 換上 Instagram,表面上係不同的兩個 Internet Brand,內裡其實係同一家公司,結果又如點? 大家好快就知,因為這兩日,Instagram 好可能會推出短片產品,發佈地點係 Facebook 總部:
  • The new video product is something that the service said it was planning to do for two years now.
  • In a sense, video on Instagram is not a complete surprise. After the rise of products like Viddy and Socialcam last summer, many have expected some sort of mobile video offering from either Facebook or Instagram.
  • Facebook has gone after competitors in the past with varying degrees of success. Poke has been a spectacular flop. Same with the Quora-like Facebook Questions, and the very Foursquare-ish Facebook Places.
  • In other words, just because Facebook is aping your product, doesn’t mean you’re gonna get crushed.
read more on AllthingsD

印象中,Facebook 推出新產品的 Track Record 不太理想。無論係 Graph Search,還是係 Facebook home,以 Facebook 的雄厚實力而言,至今 User Acquisition 的成績實在不及格。 換上 Instagram,表面上係不同的兩個 Internet Brand,內裡其實係同一家公司,結果又如點? 大家好快就知,因為這兩日,Instagram 好可能會推出短片產品,發佈地點係 Facebook 總部: The new video product is something that the service said it was planning to do for two years… Continue Reading →



「亞洲網絡廣告市場還看中小企。」Google亞太區總裁Karim Temsamani道出公司未來在亞洲的發展策略,原來不是跨國大型企業客戶,而是全力爭取中小企廣告客戶。他指出,網絡正在改變營銷活動的潛規則,更揚言以小勝大的時代即將展開!




Screen Shot 2013-05-22 at 6.51.28 PM Screen Shot 2013-05-22 at 6.50.43 PM

從數據顯示,亞洲的中小企業,比西方歐美要多,亦更成熟。以印尼、中國、澳洲和日本的中小企業為例,對國家GDP所佔比例超過60%。至於香港的約30萬中小企,亦佔整體GDP的約50%。根據資料,中小企業在搜尋引擎的廣告花費比例為66%;截至去年中,本地網絡廣告市場約值1億美元,佔總廣告支出約 5%,年增長為13%。

亞太區中小企業營運總監 Kevin O’Kane指出,網絡讓營銷不受限於企業規模和資源,其中一個原因,是由於在網絡世界,沒有了地理限制的問題,中小企業的在地市場,由從前可能是一個城市,擴大到整個亞太區甚至全球。

香港三和珍珠寶石的Franco Fung表示:「多年來面對開拓其他國家客源成本高昂、風險高的問題,在使用網絡營銷以後,可以利用Google提供的工具去探測潛在市場,讓客源已跨展至歐洲、俄羅斯與沙烏地阿拉伯等新市場,相比傳統到海外參展,或於報章雜誌上刊登廣告更加有效。」

Google亞太區總裁Karim Temsamani道出公司未來在亞洲的發展策略,原來不是跨國大型企業客戶,而是全力爭取中小企廣告客戶。

Android 新任主管 Sundar Pichai:我不認同以人為中心的策略(Facebook Home)

120206-CHROME-PORTRAITS-043edit-660x440 Sundar Pichai SVP, Chrome and Apps, Google Can’t it be confusing having two operating systems? It’s a world of multiple screens, smart displays, with tons of low-cost computing, with big sensors built into devices. At Google we ask how to bring together something seamless and beautiful and intuitive across all these screens. The picture may look different a year or two from from now, but in the short term, we have Android and we have Chrome, and we are not changing course. As Android’s new head, what do you see as the biggest challenge? I see huge opportunity, because it is just shocking how much of the world doesn’t have access to computing. In his book Eric [Schmidt] talks about the next 5 billion [the people on earth who aren’t connected to the internet who soon will be]. That’s genuinely true and it excites me. What does that mean when a company like Facebook comes out with Home, which changes that experience? To Mark [Zuckerberg], people are the center of everything. I take a slightly different approach. I think life is multifaceted: people are a huge part of it, but not the center and be-all of everything. Talk about Samsung.. Historically the industry has had long stable structures. Look at Microsoft and Intel. They were very codependent on one another, but it served both of them well. When I look at where computing needs to go, we need innovation in displays, in batteries. Samsung is a world leader in those technologies. Finally, you had a pretty full plate with Chrome and Apps, and now you’re handling the world’s biggest phone platform in addition. How are you managing? I have a secret project which adds four hours every day to the 24 hours we have. There’s a bit of time travel involved. source: http://www.wired.com/business/2013/05/exclusive-sundar-pichai-reveals-his-plans-for-android/

Sundar Pichai SVP, Chrome and Apps, Google Can’t it be confusing having two operating systems? It’s a world of multiple screens, smart displays, with tons of low-cost computing, with big sensors built into devices. At Google we ask how to… Continue Reading →

Facebook第一季業績:App Install Ad 是明日之星?

facebook-q113a Facebook Q1 業績公佈:
  1. Hit $1.46 billion in revenue up 38% from Q1 2012, beating Wall Street estimates of sales of $1.44 billion.
  2. FB reported earnings of $1.06 billion for the same quarter a year ago. Earnings per shared missed estimates, staying flat at $0.12
  3. Net income was up 7% to $219 million, versus $205 million a year ago.
  4. The amount of its 1.11 billion monthly users that returned daily, 665 million, was slightly better than last quarter.
  5. The percentage of Facebook’s total ad revenue that came from mobile surged to 30%, up from 23% last quarter.
重點:App Install Ads(Facebook推銷)
  • Facebook App Install Ads were the star of Facebook’s earnings call.
  • 3800 developers used the ads to drive over 25 million installs.
  • 40% of the top 100 iOS and Android app developers bought these ads in the last week of Q1 alone.
  • App Commerce to monetize traffics and communities.
  • Chief Accounting Officer David Spillane is leaving the company. Spillane had been the company’s revenue controller since 2008, overseeing growth and IPO. He is getting replaced by Jas Athwal effective May 10.
  • Revenue from advertising was $1.25 billion, representing 85% of total revenue and a 43% increase from the same quarter last year.
  • Mobile advertising revenue represented approximately 30% of advertising revenue for the first quarter of 2013.
  • Payments (像 Zynga 社交遊戲那樣的 In-app purchase) and other fees revenue was $213 million for the first quarter of 2013.
最大疑問 ─ 產品
  • Facebook Home first 5 days download: 500,000 only
  • Graph Search 普及和使用情況?

Facebook Q1 業績公佈: Hit $1.46 billion in revenue up 38% from Q1 2012, beating Wall Street estimates of sales of $1.44 billion. FB reported earnings of $1.06 billion for the same quarter a year ago. Earnings per shared missed estimates, staying… Continue Reading →

Robert Scoble:從今開始,沒有Google Glass我不能生存

scoble Robert Scoble Rackspace's startup liaison officer helps small teams have a huge impact with cloud computing technology.
1. I will never live a day of my life from now on without it (or a competitor). It's that significant.  2. The success of this totally depends on price. Each audience I asked at the end of my presentations "who would buy this?" As the price got down to $200 literally every hand went up. At $500 a few hands went up. This was consistent, whether talking with students, or more mainstream, older audiences. 3. Nearly everyone had an emotional outburst of "wow" or "amazing" or "that's crazy" or "stunning."  4. At NextWeb 50 people surrounded me and wouldn't let me leave until they had a chance at trying them. I haven't seen that kind of product angst at a conference for a while. This happened to me all week long, it is just crazy. 5. Most of the privacy concerns I had before coming to Germany just didn't show up. I was shocked by how few negative reactions I got (only one, where an audience member said he wouldn't talk to me with them on). Funny, someone asked me to try them in a bathroom (I had them aimed up at that time and refused). 6. There is a total generational gap that I found. The older people said they would use them, probably, but were far more skeptical, or, at minimum, less passionate about the fact that these are the future, than the 13-21-year-olds I met.

Robert Scoble Rackspace’s startup liaison officer helps small teams have a huge impact with cloud computing technology. 1. I will never live a day of my life from now on without it (or a competitor). It’s that significant.  2. The… Continue Reading →

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