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微信号 YGA119 功能介绍 粤港澳大湾区是指由广州、深圳、佛山、东莞、惠州、中山、珠海、江门、肇庆9市和香港、澳门两个特别行政区形成的城市群 。是与美国纽约湾区、旧金山湾区和日本东京湾区并肩的世界四大湾区之一. Read more: http://bit.ly/2IV7J0k


微信号 YGA119 功能介绍 粤港澳大湾区是指由广州、深圳、佛山、东莞、惠州、中山、珠海、江门、肇庆9市和香港、澳门两个特别行政区形成的城市群 。是与美国纽约湾区、旧金山湾区和日本东京湾区并肩的世界四大湾区之一. Read more: http://bit.ly/2PebejM

Trump administration to unveil big 5G push

President Trump and his top telecom regulator will announce plans today to unleash the largest-ever swath of radio frequencies in the U.S. and a $20 billion fund to help wireless companies to keep pace with global rivals — specifically China… Continue Reading →

美5G實力一年追貼中國 齊冠全球

原文刊於信報財經新聞 有報告預計,2020年全球40個國家將有80間電訊商推出5G服務。(法新社資料圖片) 5G競賽帷幕正式拉開,有調查顯示中美實力叮噹馬頭,兩國今年在準備程度上並列全球首位。美國無線通訊和互聯網協會 Read more: http://bit.ly/2FQtuvm

Verizon’s 5G network is blazing fast, but it barely exists

I’ve spent the past 18 hours in Chicago not feasting on hot dogs or deep-dish pizza, but kicking the tires on Verizon’s just-launched 5G mobile network. Read more: http://bit.ly/2UvjIb9

Forget 5G, China is working on 6G – but what does it do?

Consumers can’t buy 5G phones yet. But China is already talking about what comes next: 6G. Su Xin, head of 5G technology working group at China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that China is starting research into 6G… Continue Reading →

給特首的信:5G發展與香港競爭力 (方保僑)

高頻帶因為覆蓋有限,使用者必須於發射站約100米內才可使用。(政府新聞處圖片) Read more: http://bit.ly/2sRx41E

5G禁飛區迷思 (方保僑)

本文作者方保僑為香港互動市務商會會長,為《信報》撰寫專欄「科網人語」 每當談到新一代流動通訊制式5G,一般發達國家的政府及流動通訊商都會顯得很雀躍,甚至不敢有絲毫怠慢,務求趕在科技最前線,以配合智慧城 Read more: http://bit.ly/2sMXKkT

大數據人工智能最渴市 (應科院首席科技總監楊美基)

楊美基(右)指全球正爭奪芯片專才,高薪挖角司空見慣﹔旁為尹思哲。(資料圖片) Read more: http://bit.ly/2sX8qwN

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