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有科研團隊以3D打印技術設計能量收集卡,從5G訊號吸納能量。(佐治亞理工學院圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/3uhEp8T


(右起)吳建韶及鄺紹民指,項目為每個業戶安排雲端服務,業戶毋須另行添置硬件伺服器。(黃潤根攝) Read more: https://bit.ly/3kxDigM

[Press Release] Nokia 8.3 5G now available in Hong Kong

The Nokia 8.3 5G now available in Hong Kong – elevate your creativity with a truly global 5G smartphone Nokia 8. Read more: https://bit.ly/3kREco1

How These 5 Industries Are Powering The Adoption of 5G

People are more connected today than ever. As existing technologies develop and newer tech comes along, the world wants to access to connectivity instantly and at break-neck speeds. In fact, the total amount of data created in the world is… Continue Reading →


資助計劃申請期至11月30日,申請以先到先得方式處理,為使用5G技術的項目提供50%成本資助。(中新社資料圖片) Read more: https://bit.ly/2YUs0JR

Remote working made easy, taken farther with 5G

5G will see the blurring of hardware and software. The power of software will greatly boost the computational power of devices, without improving the hardware. The capabilities of devices will thus be enhanced and furthermore, make best use of the… Continue Reading →


原文刊於信報財經新聞「StartupBeat創科鬥室」 科技園楊天寵(右)、中大楊偉豪(中)及艾睿電子元器件業務亞太區科技工程副總裁尹俊民(左)昨出席「傳感器與5G技術革新」研討會。(陳施敏攝) 新一代5G網絡大幅提升網 Read more: https://bit.ly/3fmu43T

The Internet of Brains

Scientists have now demonstrated an “internet of brains” — in rats. The scientist Miguel Nicolelis used electrodes to interconnect rat brains. Through trial-and-error, the rats in the experiment began to synchronise their electrical brain patterns as if they shared a… Continue Reading →


李嘉诚旗下的长和正在加速布局欧洲的5G网络,希望在即将到来的5G时代占得市场先机。 意大利运营商Fastweb与长江和记集团旗下Wind Tre近日宣布一项策略协议,借助双方各自的优势,合作加快部署推出意大利最先进的全国5G网络 Read more: http://bit.ly/2J8je34

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