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莫乃光:蘋果招騁廣告揭示iPhone 6指紋識別功能

computerworld: Apple's iPhone 6 could feature a fingerprint scanner, if analysts have correctly interpreted the clues in a new Apple job advert. Apple posted a job listing for a software engineer on its US site on Monday, and Apple watchers have been picking over the clues it holds for future projects and product launches. A popular theory suggests Apple is hiring a specialist to work on fingerprint sensing technology, which may appear in the iPhone 6. read more 290_23925734185_1396_n_600x0

computerworld: Apple’s iPhone 6 could feature a fingerprint scanner, if analysts have correctly interpreted the clues in a new Apple job advert. Apple posted a job listing for a software engineer on its US site on Monday, and Apple watchers… Continue Reading →

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