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Tag 版權條例修訂


蘇錦樑釋法?? 蘇錦樑今早就《版權法例》條例草案內容,作出澄清。他表示,在社交網站分享超連結不涉刑責,亦沒有將下載內容刑事化,而在修改條文中,沒有何任條文針對二次創作,而現時合法的二次創作,在條例草案中亦不屬犯法。 係呀,我哋淨係信白紙黑字,邊個叫你候任老闆成日講大話咁無誠信呀! 拒絕收貨!反對網絡23條!! 明報即時新聞網-港聞—蘇錦樑:諮詢豁免二次創作 (12:43)-20120426.

Fred Wilson on Copyright Bills

These bills were written by the content industry without any input from the technology industry. And they are trying to fast track them through congress and into law without any negotiation with the technology industry. – Fred Wilson

Hillary Clinton on Internet Freedom

“When ideas are blocked, information deleted, conversations stifled and people constrained in their choices, the Internet is diminished for all of us.. There isn’t an economic Internet and a social Internet and a political Internet.” – Hillary Clinton

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