Apple與中移動的談判,好一段日子未有結果。中移動選擇此時公佈消息,訊息非常明確:「我們已在享受iPhone帶來的好處,你們若再拖下去,只會便宜了走私客和冒牌貨。」事實上,最近Google忽然宣佈,由iPhone產生的手機搜尋,比起任何其他牌子的手機高出50倍。此舉本想證明潛在手機搜尋市場的龐大,同時也說明了iPhone足以帶動流動數據服務的需求,幫了中移動一把之餘,亦有意無意地幽了Steve Jobs一默。
這40萬部水貨手機,對Steve Jobs來說,既是好消息,也是壞消息。好的,是它證實了中國用戶情陷iPhone,已到不能自拔的地步;壞的,是Apple的獨家模式如意算盤打不響。 Steve Jobs本想讓iPhone緩緩地開拓市場,賺盡手機用戶及營運商的一分一毫。想不到,去年在美出售的每十部iPhone,就有一部已經流入內地。
February 20, 2008 at 10:56 pm
Why “由iPhone產生的手機搜尋,比起任何其他牌子的手機高出50倍”??
“To use iPhone, you’ll need to sign up for a 2-year service agreement. Plans start at $59.99 and include Visual Voicemail and Unlimited Data — email and web..”
That means it is “FREE” to search google with iPhone in US. Most of the iPhone is being used in US now, right?
February 21, 2008 at 12:14 am
The reason that you had mentioned will happen in other brands of cells.
The searches of ihpone directly show how Chinese are eager to buy iphone. It’s for sure. The more the people who want to buy,the more is the number of searches!
Steve Jobs should speed up Apple’s steps otherwise the people may want to buy iclone instead.