// 此次推出令 Endowus 成為香港首個純收費、非佣金式的數字財富管理和基金平台。「將提成費用支付給銀行和經紀等分銷商的行業慣例,違背了以客戶需求為基礎和提高投資者長期回報的理念,」Samuel Rhee 表示。

The launch makes Endowus Hong Kong’s first fee-only, non-commission-based digital wealth management and fund platform. The industry practice of paying trailer fees to distributors, like banks and brokers, goes against the ethos of offering products based on the needs of clients and improving long-term returns for investors,” said Samuel Rhee https://www.techinasia.com/sgs-endowus-officially-expands-to-hong-kong //