March 20, 2008 at 11:30 am
March 20, 2008 at 3:32 pm
想不到”一世一網站” 都會盡其社會責任, 其老闆陳巴打係本地大學畢業生, 還是有點社會承擔的, 值得致敬!
August 8, 2008 at 9:49 am
唔知港台/中大 EMBA 合辦 “與 CEO 對話” 會唔會請一世一創辦人分享創業心得?
October 28, 2008 at 1:05 am
Good afternoon/ evening,
Reading the above article, I suppose the 141 website was temporarily closed because she wants to avoid unwanted troubles, not out of an intention to fulfill any “social responsibility”. The owner is not that noble.
At the same time, it is really an iron fact that many Hong Kong and China companies have zero idea of social responsibility. When a person hears someone stupid says, “Being in business is to be wicked”, in their language, one can estimate the social class and intellectual level of those business men. Nevertheless, their aim is money, and nothing more. That is what they crave for most, although they may not lack it.
Some people attribute these kinds of behaviour to “the fact that China was poor and many people cannot even fulfill their basic needs, therefore they have no idea of social responsibility or conscience. That is not their fault.”
That is really stupid.
By the same reasoning, robbers are not at fault, because they were poor, and should behave in this way.
Anyway, I like how many people say, “Those business men are only self-proclaimed business men.” Nevertheless, in a free society like Hong Kong, to register for business is as easy as buying a computer.
Wonder if this reaches you, and if you agree.
Please have a nice time.