



李白: (靜)夜思

1 床前明月光
2 疑是地上霜
3 舉頭望明(山)月
4 低頭思故鄉

Li Bai (701–762): Night Thoughts

1 Before my bed, the moonlight so bright,
2 Be frost on the ground, I suppose it might.
3 I raise my head and the moon I behold, then
4 I lower it, brooding: I’m homesick tonight.

杜秋娘: 金縷衣

1 勸君莫惜金縷衣
2 勸君惜取少年時
3 花開堪折直須折
4 莫待無花空折枝

Du Qiuniang: Robe Embroidered in Gold

1 Cherish not, I pray, your robe embroidered in gold;
2 Cherish, I pray, relish – the days before you’re old.
3 Flowers fit for plucking, you pluck while still in bloom,
4 Lest you pluck but twigs denuded, bald, bare and cold.
