// China’s Vice-Minister for Industry and Information Technology, Xu Xiaolan, said in a keynote speech at the conference, which concludes this Saturday, that the country is moving to develop a complete AI value chain that covers “smart chips and algorithm frameworks to industry-specific large language models (LLMs)”. She said the Chinese government will increase its support for the domestic AI industry, which is estimated to consist of more 4,300 companies at present.

中國工業和資訊化部副部長徐曉蘭在該會議上的主旨演講中表示,中國正致力於發展完整的人工智慧價值鏈,涵蓋“智慧晶元和演算法框架到面向特定行業的大型語言模型(LLMs)”。 她表示,中國政府將增加對國內人工智慧產業的支援,目前估計該產業已有超過4300家公司。 https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/13/elon-musk-xai-superintelligence-and-china.html //