3hk拿下了3G iPhone代理權,鐵定7月11日發售。朋友告知,原來他們暗地裡已先向Hedge Fund進行推銷。
朋友的朋友在Hedge Fund打工,公司不算大,僅二三十人,卻吸引到3hk的推銷人員登門。坦白說幾十張合約不算什麼,如果情況不是個別sales偷步,很可能就是3hk已急不及待要尋覓early adopter,策略上選定了金融界的才子佳人,作為3G iPhone的形象代言人。
「點解唔搵我地呀?話晒係做IT,佢地只不過係金融機構!」「梗係啦,Hedge Fund喎,人地大把錢呢!」跟同事們說,他們馬上吱吱喳喳地討論,煞是好笑。「傻既,做得金融界梗係個個西裝骨骨、渣靚車、戴名表,唔係咁邊似樣呀,邊可以吸引其他人跟住轉用iPhone呀!」連女秘書也忍不住插嘴。
我曾在Telco混過日子,其實現在的marketing已變得很科學化,畢竟ISP很清楚顧客的一舉一動。比方說,一個比較貴的新合約計劃,就像3G iPhone好了,它們一定會先翻查數據庫,把數據用量最高的用戶直接揪出來,再upsell或怎樣。反之,一名完全沒有用過流動數據服務的客戶,很可能就不會那麼快收到關於3G iPhone電話推銷。
差不多同期,財經界靚女莎拉給我forward以下的訊息,朋友說,Hedge Fund收到的月費計劃跟這很接近:
June 26, 2008 at 6:14 pm
June 26, 2008 at 8:23 pm
不過,某同事也說,3hk從公佈到真正發售相隔太久了,令許多本來熱血沸騰的準買家冷靜下來。畢竟,連同兩年合約計算,那部3G iPhone其實是不便宜的。
June 27, 2008 at 11:26 am
silly timing! they tried to lure and lock in customers soon after apple’s annoucement of the 3G iphone. it’s well easy to hype things up in HK. this precisely explains why such a hype will die out soon in such a fast-moving market like HK.
plus soonner or later, bootleg iphones will be available in HK and they will surely have a big negative impact to Hutch 3’s exclusivity.
ok. let’s go back to the hardware. i’ve heard many friends saying iphone is a good multimedia media device (or a head-turner, something stands out of a crowd), but far from a good phone. if this 3G version is merely a 3G version of the old phone, i don’t see a compelling reason for people to buy it.
if i were the product developer at apple, i could have made this 3G version look and feel way different from its predecessor. although this means higher costs, it’s worth the money to make the new phone different. they could have considered some cosmetic changes. cheap suggestions : new user interface, new icons, a few more crappy games or apps. costly suggestions : slimmer body, different colour, finishing etc… at least this gives people a good reason to show off.
having said that, I strongly believe this 3G version is simply a minor update to the product line-up. it’s just like how windows ME fits into the gap between win 98 and winxp.
June 27, 2008 at 4:35 pm