


諗深一層,兩家公司原本既業務(keyword search & auction)的確已經成熟,用返佢地最耍家的core competence去發展新業務,自然係為股東尋求更大利益既必然選擇。

到左最近,由NBC過檔咗去Google一年左右既Michael Steib,所講既一返說話真係值得每個新媒體產品度spin既人好好學習:

One of the things we’ve learned from online advertising is that marketers make day-to-day decisions. In the traditional model of TV ad sales, you make buying commitments months in advance. With our system, you can bid on spots up to the day before. We’ve also just introduced a feature that uses search. If you’re Allstate or DirecTV, two of our customers, you can type in keywords such as ‘family’ or ‘football,’ and our system generates a list of programs whose metadata is either an exact match or related. We’re only going to give you content contextually relevant to your brand. And all that takes minutes. The next day, you get a report back that tells you what spots ran, what audience was delivered, and how much of your budget was spent. You’re getting almost real-time data.

舊年呢個時候,美國電視廣告市場年收入差不多500多億,當好多人話廣告界都係夕陽工業既時候,如果以新技術作media buy真係能夠成為主流,傳統勞工密集式既廣告agency都咪話唔驚。

Google TV Ads