// “Our goal is to onboard millions to generate billions in the DeFi economy. We’ve set an ambitious goal to create a leading financial marketplace that’s ready for tomorrow. We want to create a renowned and user-friendly investment platform that gives equal opportunities to every participant worldwide.” says Bartek Pozniak, CEO of the Earn Network”.

「我們的目標是吸引數百萬人參與去中心化金融(DeFi)經濟,從而產生數十億的價值。我們立下了一個目標,創建一個領先的金融市場,以應對未來的挑戰。我們希望打造一個聲譽卓著且用戶友好的投資平台,為全球的參與者提供平等的機會。」Earn Network 的首席執行官Bartek Pozniak表示。 https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/earn-network-raises-2-7m-in-seed-funding-to-further-develop-the-marketplace-for-liquid-investments/ //