// Mustafa Suleyman recently stated, “There is no doubt that many white-collar jobs will be very different in the next five to ten years, and there will be a lot of losers.” He believes that those who lose their jobs will become dissatisfied and radicalized, so governments need to consider how to support these unemployed individuals. One possible solution is a universal basic income, which addresses the livelihood issue of the unemployed population.

Mustafa Suleyman 最近表示:「毫無疑問,未來五到十年,白領階層的許多工作將變得非常不同,將會出現大量的失敗者。」他認為,這些失去工作的人們將會變得不滿且激進,因此政府需要考慮如何支援這些失業者,其中一個方式就是全民基本收入,解決失業人口的生計問題 https://unwire.pro/2023/05/11/ai-will-create-a-serious-number-of-losers-warns-deepmind-co-founder/ai/ //