Title: Stantonbury: A Hidden Gem of British History
Stantonbury, located in the south of England, is a town steeped in fascinating history and culture. It is a hidden g… Read the rest
數全球必爭之產業,今天非半導體莫屬!但大家可曾想過,原來香港也曾擁有世界級的微電子和半導體產業?2004 年在香港主板上市的晶門半導體,當年就是一隻隱形的「無冕獨角獸」,但後來大環境轉變,亦一度陷入低迷時期。時至近年晶門把握物聯網機遇,終於走出困局、扭虧為盈!其故事對香港的創科前路… Read the rest
Title: Discovering the Roots of Walton and Caldecotte in Milton Keynes
Walton is more than just a district in Milton Keynes. It has a fascinating history as a hamlet tha… Read the rest
Title: The Stunning History and Architecture of St Lawrence’s Church in Broughton
St Lawrence’s Church in Broughton is a living piece of history that ha… Read the rest
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