// 這項技術的短期危險包括錯誤信息、隱藏的偏見和對邊緣群體和少數族裔的歧視。這些社會傷害是非營利研究機構(如由前谷歌人工智能研究員Timnit Gebru創辦的分散式人工智能研究所)的重點關注。


The near-term dangers of the technology include misinformation, insidious bias and discrimination against marginalised groups and minorities. These societal harms are the focus of non-profit research organisations such as the Distributed AI Research Institute, which was founded by former Google AI researcher Timnit Gebru.

But the long-term threats that also worry the likes of Bengio and Hinton do not refer to today’s chatbots — which provide human-like answers to questions. Instead, they fear that research could progress quickly to make AI systems more autonomous within this decade. https://www.ft.com/content/b4baa678-b389-4acf-9438-24ccbcd4f201 //