首先,我要的是手機,誰要那條白色耳筒,嫌我家裡還不夠多嗎,還有機背的小鏡頭,這些綑綁的把戲騙不到我。其次,為什麼綑綁我一定要用Mac OS和iTunes呢?購買了iPhone,變相同時購買Mac OS和iTunes,我建議iPhone立即推出Windows Mobile、Symbian和Linux的版本。還有,iPhone預先裝了Yahoo和Google的軟件,又不可以移除,這不是合謀綑綁又是什麼?這肯定需要另外推出一個沒有預裝軟件的版本。換言之,以後3hk和Apple必須同時發售至少5個不同版本iPhone,才能夠彌補它們的罪孽。
July 22, 2008 at 6:28 pm
我屋企公司都用 linux !!!
電話我等緊 google 既open Android 平台~~~
July 22, 2008 at 9:35 pm
In classics, in long run, every firm can only earn the same return.
If there is a firm earning more (outperform the others), it must be having come monopolistic power (which we actually assumed nil in long run).
In short run, firms tries to differentiate its product from the others (ie by adding services in other area).
Differentiation makes monopoly. And monopoly is good. Look at Bill Gates!!
July 23, 2008 at 4:43 pm
Right! But who pays these “尊貴的法律工作者”?
July 23, 2008 at 5:10 pm
Good question!
Nokia? =)
July 23, 2008 at 6:53 pm
The question is how do you define as a discrete product. Apple as you say forces you to use her OS and iTune, but it seems that she has received less amount of attack on its monopoly than Microsoft. Or one can think in another way, 3-iphone is one discrete product. So the truth is just whose saying is louder. i.e. whether you like MS, Apple or google more depends on which company bribes you more. A movement with the hint of communism is going on. Google, MS, Apple are all competing. “Fairness” is just a strategic tool used my Google and the like to wield the mass. If you get rid of MS or Apple, people will know how “fair” she will become.
July 24, 2008 at 12:12 pm
Well, I would say this is what Apple Fans like. It make the phone so special that other cannot compare.
Look at Mac or Apple IIe, if Steve Jobs used Windows, it would be just a normal PC. (such as dell). Even Mac can use windows now, I wonder how many ppl will use like that.
If iphone is do really what you suggest, it will be just another Nokia/Sony Ericsson! No point to buy it and time to sell Apple stock.
July 24, 2008 at 4:09 pm
3HK-iphone is a strategy used by Steve. One can consider it as a discrete product or can attack Steve directly, including the bundling of OS and iTune. Apple with MS window sell well or not is not a matter – if market does not demand it, it will disappear under a fair ground. Current trend is communist mentality in which monopoly is used differentially according to the love and hatred of the mass. If one day people wake up reading the newspaper, a news say Steve joined MS and Bill headed the iphone, both do nothing to their new companies as every decisions have always been a result of their management team. … what will people react, I wonder…
July 25, 2008 at 7:21 am
支持!但分開五種唔夠,應該逐件 parts 分開賣,好似 lego 咁!
July 28, 2008 at 6:39 pm
July 29, 2008 at 10:50 pm