Steve Tappin
CEO Xinfu, Host of BBC CEO Guru & Founder, WorldOfCEOs.com

The Leadership Secrets

1. Top Leaders Want To Do Something Great: They’re Not Just Driven By The Numbers

The most successful leaders tend to be driven by a higher cause, and a drive to do something great in the world.

Steve Jobs: My passion has been to build an enduring company where people were motivated to make great products. Everything else was secondary.

Today, I can see a big difference between the majority of Western established companies, who are over-focused on near-term shareholder value, and the Chinese CEOs, who are more motivated by building their dreams.

2. Top Leaders Get That The Need For Speed Is More Critical Than Ever Before

Today CEOs are increasingly aware of the following danger: as their companies get bigger, things get more complicated, and as their companies grow older, things get slower.

Failing slowly is deadly. Failing quickly is actually not that bad.

The key for leaders is to get ahead of the game and ahead of time.

3. Top Leaders Avoid Falling Into The “Crazy 8”


They try to delegate, but quickly get frustrated and take back responsibility. They become overwhelmed as they try to do too much themselves.

Top CEOs are able to spend no more than 30% in the day-to-day, as they have managed to build a results system which does not rely on them to be a limiting hub.

And the antidote to micro-management? Leaders who have the skill to create a shared mindset and shared ambition, who can clarify what great looks like, pass on clear responsibility and then can truly let go and trust.

4. Top Leaders Lead From Within Themselves, Not By Goals Or Management Processes

“leadership is about soul, heart, and mind.

‘Soul’ is what you believe in – your values. Everyone’s values are different; it’s not necessary to converge on them.

‘Heart’ is your passion – it gives you the courage to build something and compassion and the other qualities that define who you are.

The last and least is ’mind’ – your competences.”

5. Top Leaders Build Fellowship, Founded On Connection And Strong Belief In Their Top Team

Like the model adopted in ‘The Lord of the Rings’, top leaders have found a way to lead in what is known as a fellowship.

CEOs do this by establishing a trusted inner core, encouraging frank debate, and fully devolving decision-making.

With deep trust and a shared dream established, these teams can go at hyper-speed.

6. Top Leaders Take Responsibility For Their Own Life And Happiness Outside Work

For many CEOs, the pressure means that they can often disconnect from family and friends.

In the limited time that they do try to devote to life outside work, they are often not fully present.

Crucially, leaders must take responsibility for own work/life balance and their own happiness, so that in the final analysis, they have no regrets.

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