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1. 完完全全美國
Motorola VP Global Brand and Product Marketing, Brian Wallace: What we are doing which is very different is assembling [Moto X smartphones] here in the U.S. in our assembly plant in Fort Worth, Texas

2. 可以個人化的智能手機?
Brian Wallace 說的話,有一部分跟 Steve Jobs 第一次介紹 iPhone 的時候好相似,當時 SJ 話:「智能手機之所以唔太智能,係因為每部機都有相同既 Keyboard,忽略咗唔同既 Application 卻需要唔同既 UI。」

“Smartphones are very different than other tech products a consumer owns,” Mr. Wallace said. “They’re closer to shoes or a watch. You carry it with you everywhere you go. Everyone sees what phone you’re carrying and they judge you on it. Yet it’s the one thing you carry that’s the least customizable.”

連 tagline 都是「Designed by you. Assembled in the USA」,到底個人化去到那個地步?

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