
Shane Snow
Journalist, Geek

At least 3 top Wired editors have jumped ship in the last year to lead editorial and strategy at nontraditional, or essentially brand, publications:

  • Wired.com Editor in Chief Evan Hansen moved over to Medium.
  • Wired Opinion Editor and NY Bureau Chief John Abell jumped over here, to help run LinkedIn editorial.
  • And now Wired.com Senior Editor Michael Copeland is joining A16Z.

Publishing good stories on a consistent basis requires savvy editorial leadership.

So why are these guys moving away from traditional, print media in order to manage content for a startup, a public social networking company, and an venture capital fund? Perhaps it’s because brand publishing is looking like the next big thing in media, and as people who report and write about the future, they’re seeing—and buying into—the opportunity early.

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