Tim Cook Starts to Make Apple His Own,早上看到WSJ.com這標題,感覺是,也差不多是時候了,與此同時,AllThingsD起題的功夫到家,其實這條題,打從Tim Cook上任一刻開始,已經可以預先擬訂,等其他材料齊備,便立即烹煮,最快上菜。

  • Restructure Apple’s big education division, split the business into a sales arm and a marketing arm.
  • Increase the responsibilities of senior vice president of worldwide product marketing Phil Schiller and John Brandon, a vice president who oversees many of Apple’s sales channels and has worked very closely with Mr. Cook for years.
  • Promote vice president Eddy Cue to Apple’s senior vice president of Internet software and services.
  • YouTube上扮Tim Cook上場後的笑片,超低能勁搞笑
  • source – http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204394804577012161036609728.html
