// 深圳分園的總建築面積為3.1萬平方米,設有共享空間、乾/濕實驗室、獨立辦公室及會議與活動場地。目前已有超過十家創科公司進駐園區,藉此開拓內地或進軍海外市場。科技園公司將重點吸引來自醫療科技、大數據及人工智能、機械人技術、新材料、微電子、金融科技和可持續發展七大領域的企業

The total built-up area of the Shenzhen branch is 31,000 square meters, equipped with shared spaces, dry/wet labs, private offices, and meeting and event venues. Currently, there are over ten tech companies operating in the park, using it as a launchpad to expand their presence in mainland China or venture into international markets. The Science Park Corporation places a particular emphasis on attracting enterprises from seven key domains: medical technology, big data and artificial intelligence, robotics, new materials, microelectronics, financial technology, and sustainability. http://ejtech.hkej.com/?p=138122 //