// 港府正在採取新的有針對性的方法,吸引來自全球的高潛力和戰略企業在香港建立或擴展業務。為支持這一目標,政府成立了OASES(引進重點企業辦公室),積極與這些企業進行接觸,進行談判,制定吸引人的定制措施。計劃還計劃促進這些企業在香港的運營,並為其員工提供支持,例如簽證申請以及子女教育安排等方面的協助。

The government is adopting a new targeted approach to attract high-potential, strategic enterprises from around the globe to set up or expand their businesses in Hong Kong. OASES was established to support this. It reaches out to these enterprises proactively and carries out negotiations, formulating attractive bespoke measures. It also plans to facilitate their operations in Hong Kong as well as provide their employees with support in areas such as visa applications and education arrangements for their children. https://www.techinasia.com/quickbytes-oases-supports-companies-making-hong-kong-debut //