// IBM 香港首席科技總監李永輝指出,開發基礎模型相當耗費資源,單是從頭訓練一個基礎模型,成本動輒 150 萬美元,非一般企業所能負擔。因此透過 watsonx,企業即可使用由 IBM 策劃和訓練的基礎模型和開源模型,進入數據儲存,以收集和清洗用來訓練和調整的數據,為用戶提供全新的 AI 服務。

IBM’s Chief Technology Officer in Hong Kong, pointed out that developing foundational models requires significant resources. Training a basic model from scratch can cost up to $1.5 million, which is beyond the reach of most businesses. Therefore, through watsonx, companies can utilize IBM-curated and pre-trained foundational models and open-source models. They can access data storage to collect and clean data for training and fine-tuning, enabling them to provide innovative AI services to users. https://unwire.pro/2023/07/20/ibm-19/ai/ //