// 今次 AWS 推出的計劃主要是針對大中華區的 AI 初創,從「全球創投網絡資源對接」、「前沿技術深度賦能」、「全球業務拓展」和「創新機制能力構建」四方面,為處於早期到成長期的初創企業提供全方位的技術及資源支援,協助其擴張業務。首期的計劃將會篩選 25 間初創企業,進行為期 3 個月的支援計劃

The program launched by AWS this time is primarily targeted at AI startups in the Greater China region. It provides comprehensive technical and resource support to early to growth-stage startups in four main aspects: “Global Venture Network Resource Connection,” “Deep Empowerment of Cutting-edge Technologies,” “Global Business Expansion,” and “Building Innovative Mechanisms and Capabilities.” The initial phase of the program will select 25 startups to participate in a three-month support program. https://unwire.pro/2023/07/11/amazon-web-services-china-startup-loft-accelerator/startups/ //