// 分析指中國目前已經有不小的電子書服務與 Kindle 競爭,此外也有網上閱讀 App 等等服務,讓用戶可以免費閱讀,需要收費的 Kindle 對於喜歡閱讀電子書的中國用戶而言吸引力並不算大,加上裝置本身面對中國廠商的產品也缺乏競爭力,因此推出中國市場也不算是意料之外。

Analysis suggests that China already has a considerable number of e-book services competing with Kindle. Additionally, there are online reading apps and other services that allow users to read for free. As a result, the appeal of Kindle, which requires payment, is not significant for Chinese users who enjoy reading e-books. Furthermore, Kindle devices lack competitiveness compared to products from Chinese manufacturers. Therefore, the launch of Kindle in the Chinese market is not unexpected. https://unwire.hk/2023/07/02/kindle-china-shut-down/fun-tech/ //