// 宣言顯示,英國保守黨政府放棄盡快跟美國簽署自由貿易協議,退而求其次只在經濟安全和高科技上加強跟美國合作,包括同意在經產和軍事上配合美國圍堵中國,以換取美國給予英國一些經貿易優惠

The declaration indicates that the UK Conservative government has abandoned the goal of quickly signing a free trade agreement with the United States. Instead, they seek to strengthen cooperation with the US in economic security and high technology. This includes agreeing to collaborate with the US in economic and military aspects to counter China, in exchange for trade advantages granted by the US to the UK. http://europechinese.blogspot.com/2023/06/blog-post_8.html //