// James Cameron plans to incorporate the recent developments in artificial intelligence into the storyline of the next installment of “Terminator.” He believes that the previous film, “Terminator: Dark Fate,” didn’t perform as well as expected and hopes to revitalize the franchise by drawing inspiration from real-world advancements. Therefore, it is necessary to address the issues related to artificial intelligence before finalizing the script.

James Cameron 打算將近期的人工智能發展納入下一部《未來戰士》的故事情節中。他認為上一部的《未來戰士:黑暗宿命》表現未如理想,希望透過現實的啟發,令續作恢復活力,因此需要在完成最終劇本前釐清有關人工智能的問題。 https://unwire.hk/2023/06/01/chatgpt-james-cameron/fun-tech/ //